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WPHI/Philadelphia Rebrands To ‘Hip Hop 103.9'

The Industry Dot Biz:

RADIO ONE Urban WPHI (BOOM 103.9)/PHILADELPHIA has rebranded as HIP HOP 103.9 and will be spearheaded by The Morning Hustle in the AM.

PD PARIS NICOLE said, “This is an exciting time for WPH I and the re-branding  magnifies what we truly represent. We are the pulse of the city from our DJ’s and personalities to the new hip- hop artists we are breaking from PHILADELPHIA. We are hip-hop and the only source for hip-hop in PHILLY.”

THE MORNING HUSTLE with HEADKRACK and co-hosts ANGIE ANGE, “ON-AIR” JORDAN, LORE’L, and BILLY SORRELLS are a part of the stations new imaging plans

Station Manager EZIO TORRES said, “HIP HOP 103.9 gives us the true identity to tell listeners who we are and what we do. THE MORNING HUSTLE will perfectly align with our messaging and imaging.”

RADIO ONE VP/Programming COLBY COLB added, “THE MORNING HUSTLE is a perfect fit for Hip Hop 103.9 and the City of PHILADELPHIA; raw, topical and honest.”


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