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WORST PRIZE AWARD: Steve Harvey Gives Contest Winner WHAT?

The Industry Dot Biz: CMO Mark Snyder Joins Steve Harvey and Encourages Customers to Å“Share the Word 

 width=Steve Harvey will be making a special Kmart in-store appearance along with Chief Marketing Officer of Kmart, Mark Snyder in Mableton, GA. Harvey and Snyder will escort the contest winner of the Å“Shop with Steve  $1,000 shopping spree. The winner hails from Detroit , MI won the grand prize of a trip to Atlanta for the experience.

(… and while he’s there…) Harvey will be signing his new book available for purchase, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy and Commitment and DVD Still Trippinâ„¢

.Steve Harvey In Store at Kmart Mableton Feb 25th : DryerBuzz News, Podcast and NetTV.


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