American Express: For us? A Diminishing Reputation
American Express has long held a stellar reputation, but our recent experiences raise serious concerns about its reliability, especially with major retailers like Costco, where their point system could be beneficial.

A Troubling Experience with Upwork
Recently, a team member hired a “developer” on Upwork for an urgent job. This “developer” (with a lowercase “d”) claimed he could complete the task quickly but instead delayed for over 14 hours, fabricating excuses to extend the job and increase charges. We documented the entire conversation.
After firing him, we contacted American Express to dispute the charge. They initially agreed to help but later sided with the developer after he provided a misleading screenshot dated the 30th, despite us hiring a legitimate developer to fix the issue. We provided documentation proving the fake developer was fired 10 days before that date. Yet, American Express released the funds to him, and Upwork subsequently canceled our account. When we appealed, American Express deflected responsibility, leaving us in a frustrating back-and-forth with Upwork.
Fraudulent Hotel Booking via Expedia
In another incident, a team member booked a hotel through Expedia using his Amex card but never received a confirmation. Upon contacting Expedia, he discovered it was a fraudulent partner using Expedia’s name. After taking the trip, he was billed over $300 by American Express. When he disputed the charge, Amex informed him that Expedia processed it. However, Expedia claimed the charge came from a sister company, leaving him with no recourse. The affiliate only accepted reservations, not complaints, effectively leaving consumers in the lurch.
Adding Authorized Users: A New Catch
I also had a frustrating experience with American Express when I added a relative as an authorized user on my card. I was shocked to see a hefty renewal fee for his card, which I canceled over a year ago. Recently, I was solicited to add up to five people to my cards but was informed that I would be responsible if they didn’t pay. To activate the cards, they require each user’s Social Security number, raising questions about why they need this if I’m liable. The representative casually mentioned they may or may not check the user’s credit, but it was clear they’re using me to lure in new customers. That’s not my job.
Conclusion: A Shift in Loyalty
These experiences, combined with the fact that many of my favorite retailers don’t accept American Express, have significantly diminished my loyalty to the brand.
#AmericanExpress, #CreditCardIssues, #ConsumerRights, #FraudAlert, #CustomerService, #Upwork, #Expedia, #FinancialFrustration, #CreditCardProblems, #BewareOfScams