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Was Cissy Houston’s Homophobia Responsible for Whitney’s Conflicts? Tom Joyner ‘s Horrific Interview of Cissy

Cissy HoustonIt certainly  would be great to hear what Bobby Brown thinks of Cissy Houston.

With all due respect to Tom Joyner and Sybil this is the crappiest interview I’ve ever seen or heard in my 27 years of working in the industry. Yes Cissy is a “seasoned” lady but she appears to be very determined and bold in her approach to Whitney’s life but does she take any responsibility for it? Bobbi Kristina is not happy about what her grandmother has been saying about her mother and she is not afraid to let it be known. Why hasn’t Tom interviewed her?

Oprah actually did a pretty good job of asking Cissy the real questions but even she tiptoed around certain issues. To be honest I’d LOVE to see Howard Stern or Chelsea Handler interview Cissy Houston. Can you imagine?

With all due respect to Cissy’s industry legacy and tenure after hearing and watching the interviews, it becomes apparent that Whitney may have very well been conflicted and depressed in an effort to please her mother. That coupled with being a superstar must have been an insurmountable load to carry that could have lead the strongest person to turn to drugs. When Oprah asked if Cissy thought Robin and Whitney were lovers, Cissy said she didn’t know… that would clearly indicate that she did suspect it… in addition Oprah asked her if she would have had a problem with Whitney being gay and Cissy responded “yes” she would have, then she talked about Whitney not speaking to her for a while   her dislike for Robin and her displeasure with Whitney marrying Bobby which could have been a (read more click “next” above or below) direct move by Whitney to get even with Cissy. Cissy Houston appears to be a woman who has a dire need to control people.

As this is my course of study, derogatory relationships especially those of child and parent can absolutely destroy a child into adulthood and his or her self worth. Behind just about every addiction lies an untold painful and life-altering story or event, many of which have to do with a parent failing a child in some way or another.   In the black community and especially in Cissy’s generation people her age thought putting food on the table equated being a great parent as if the child should have been satisfied with that alone. Love was an afterthought. Someone should tell them before they die that’s inaccurate. Children deserve love, affection and protection too.   But to a larger extent Cissy’s parents probably went through another kind of hell that would have made her believe she should be grateful to have a meal.

originalOne can only imagine what it must have been like growing up as a child of a woman like Cissy Houston. She appears to be a staunch woman who can never be wrong and who has a hardened heart in all of her interviews promoting her book. In addition, there appears to be a delicately disguised jealousy of Whitney’s success in comparison to her own.   With all due respect to Cissy’s talent, a blind man can see that Whitney sang circles around her. She has said negative things about almost all of those who associated with Whitney including her own granddaughter.

The belief in the black church and the Bible is so incredibly innate and powerful in our community that a black minister can preach against homosexuality and be having sex with several young men in the (read more click “next” above or below) church and the church is STILL in business and we will still support it because this is a man of God and we make a choice as to what we believe even if we are wrong.   Robin was the one who came to Cissy and told her Whitney was on drugs which indicates Robin had good intentions and was probably trying desperately to get Cissy to like and accept her too but Cissy Houston appears to be homophobic and it would have been GREAT if Tom or Sybil had the balls to come out and ask her (especially after Oprah warmed her up) if she feels responsible for Whitney’s personal demons. Joyner syrupy, sugary sweet tasty treat interview below…Please try to stay awake while reading it. Note to TJMS: The Industry Dot Biz will do your interviews FREE

The mother of the late Whitney Houston, Ms. Cissy Houston, talked with the TJMS this morning about her new book “Remembering Whitney”, the truth behind BeBe WInans’ book, her concern for Bobbi Kristina and more.

Read the full transcript of the interview below.

TOM JOYNER:   Good morning, Miss Cissy Houston, how are you?

CISSY HOUSTON:   I’m fine, how are you?

TOM JOYNER:   I’m real good.   I’m real good.


TOM JOYNER:   Your book, Remembering Whitney, I’ve seen Oprah’s interview, and I’ve seen some other interviews, and I have the book but, Miss Houston, I’m going to have to wait till I have a vacation to read this book. (Editor’s remarks: Ouch, totally unprepared to do the interview. Someone on the TJMS should have been familiar with the book)

CISSY HOUSTON:   I heard that.  src=

TOM JOYNER:   When I have time to, and I’ll have some beverages and some other things to get me through this. (???? what????)

SYBIL WILKES:   Did you have to have something to help “¦

CISSY HOUSTON:   I beg your pardon?

SYBIL WILKES:   Did you have to have something to help you through?   Were there difficult times and difficult portions of the book?

CISSY HOUSTON:   I ain’t got nobody but Jesus, honey.


TOM JOYNER:   Hmm.   Hmm.   Oh, you are so strong.   You are one strong woman, Miss Cissy Houston, I don’t know how, I don’t know how you do it, how you wrote this book.   I don’t know how you lived through all that.

CISSY HOUSTON:   I don’t either.

SYBIL WILKES:   And you said nothing but Jesus, right?

CISSY HOUSTON:   Ain’t nobody but him, honey.

TOM JOYNER:   Hmm, hmm, hmm.

SYBIL WILKES:   So now how did you decide to, or who convinced you to write the book?

CISSY HOUSTON:   Oh, nobody had to convince me.   Not too many people can convince me of much.

SYBIL WILKES:   (Laugh) Okay.

CISSY HOUSTON:   You know, I just thought it was time.   Before everybody else gets to it, right?

TOM JOYNER:   Mm-hmm.


CISSY HOUSTON:   I think there were two more books out before I even came in.

SYBIL WILKES:   Right.   Now BeBe Winans was on and he wrote a book about Whitney and he said that he got your permission to do “¦

CISSY HOUSTON:   No, he ain’t got no permission from me.

TOM JOYNER:   Uh-oh.



CISSY HOUSTON:   He just wrote a book and he just started telling that, but he told me about it, but I didn’t give no permission.

SYBIL WILKES:   Would you have asked him not to?

CISSY HOUSTON:   No, I didn’t.

SYBIL WILKES:   No, I said, would you have if he had asked you for permission, would you “¦

CISSY HOUSTON:   I don’t think so.   I don’t know, you know.   They were friends, I don’t know.

SYBIL WILKES:   And he gave one side of the story, his side I guess.   But you gave “¦

CISSY HOUSTON:   Absolutely, it was his side.

SYBIL WILKES:   You gave a pretty comprehensive, I mean, nobody knows their child like a mother obviously or a father.

CISSY HOUSTON:   Okay.   Thank you.   Say that again.

SYBIL WILKES:   Yes, ma’am, and you, and nobody, and I don’t think anybody could tell the story the way you did.   And you were brutally honest about Whitney in this book.

CISSY HOUSTON:   Mm-hmm.   Well, there’s no reason to drive at it, is there?

SYBIL WILKES:   No, ma’am.

TOM JOYNER:   I’m just wondering what you left out?

CISSY HOUSTON:   I didn’t leave out too much of anything.   She’s just a wonderful, wonderful person, and everybody that knew her, knew her, you know, she made mistakes like everybody else.   She’s, it’s called life.

SYBIL WILKES:   Yeah.   Now you, there’s a line out there, there’s a line in the book that really struck me, and I’ve been reading it for the last couple of nights, and not good bedtime reading may I add, like Tom said, you (read more click “next” above or below) need it with the lights on, that kind of thing.   But you said that she could be a straight up heffer to people if they revealed things she didn’t want them to.

TOM JOYNER:   That’s what she said?

SYBIL WILKES:   Yeah, that’s brutally honest, Miss Cissy Houston.

CISSY HOUSTON:    Absolutely.

SYBIL WILKES:   And her life, and telling her story, as well as you story, which I found very interesting, and your family story, and how you guided her because you had been through the same thing.   Was that a difficult thing when she said that she wanted to be in the business and you knew what she had to expect?

CISSY HOUSTON:   No, it wasn’t difficult at all, because she started as a little girl, you know, just screaming around the house, because I had all the little microphones and mirrors and things like that, because with the Sweet Inspirations, we used to rehearse at my house.   So she had all those facilities to deal with, you know?   And she played with them more or less.

TOM JOYNER:   Miss Cissy, what about Bobbi Kristina?   Has she read the book?   Has she commented on the book?

CISSY HOUSTON:   No, she hasn’t because I tried to send it to her, and I couldn’t get her.   You know.   You know how 19 year olds are.


SYBIL WILKES:   And you said that you, you know, you’ve called her or sometimes she picks up your call and sometimes not, right?



SYBIL WILKES:   Are you concerned about Bobbi Kristina?

CISSY HOUSTON:   Of course I’m concerned, she’s my granddaughter.   And I love her very much.

SYBIL WILKES:   And if she is listening to you, what are you telling her?

CISSY HOUSTON:   Call your grandmother.

TOM JOYNER:   Aw.   The book is called Remembering Whitney.

SYBIL WILKES:   It’s truly touching, Tom.   I’m telling you, this book is really quite enlightening, and it breaks my heart in some respects because I lost my mother many, many years ago, and I can imagine.   But nobody’s supposed to bury their child.

CISSY HOUSTON:   No, nobody.   Nobody.

TOM JOYNER:   Bless your heart, Miss Cissy.

SYBIL WILKES:   God bless you.

CISSY HOUSTON:   Thank you so much.

TOM JOYNER:   You’re a very strong woman.

CISSY HOUSTON:   And I appreciate you.



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