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Update on Nate Quick

The Industry Dot Biz:  width=Easy posted this in the comments on the Nate Quick story we posted yesterday. I don’t know Easy and I’m not in Dallas but I sincerely hope and pray that the theme of his statement below is the whole story. I’m hearing a bit more from other sources close to the situation but of respect for my friend Nate, I will not report specific details. All I can say is please continue to pray for him. Kev

Hello everyone. I am formerly known as DJ Eazy Ice from Power 98 in Charlotte, a former   co-worker and roommate of Nate. We’ve worked together in Charlotte and here in Dallas. I’ve received a lot of calls & text messages and what has bothered me are some of the “speculations” that I have heard since Sunday morning. I felt the need to submit a post since I have been at the hospital off and on since Saturday night. Nate has complications with his liver which has caused other organs to malfunction and shut down. They are keeping him heavily sedated and he’s on a ventilator. Forgive me for not knowing a lot of the “medical terms”. Saturday, he was rushed to the hospital after collapsing at his home. He had stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. They had to put a tube down his throat for his breathing. I got to the hospital and he was very pale and lost a lot his color, and today, he looked like he had much of his tan color back. I spoke to one of the nurses, and I was told that the levels of his vitals were all out of line when he was admitted and within a day, everything had sort of leveled out to a stable state. At times he can respond to voices and tries to to move his mouth and open his eyes. If you hold his hand and talk to him, he’ll try to squeeze your hand to respond to you.

He recognizes familiar voices and will try to open his eyes. No Limit Larry from WPEG flew in to visit Nate today and was very responsive to Larry. He also responded to voices of coworkers that visited from K-104 and KRNB. I haven’t set up a Twitter account but I will attempt to set up one tonight to submit updates. A lot of people have heard different things and have said to me……”If I hear something, I will call you to verify it”!!! I will be going back to the hospital in the   morning (Tuesday) and I will update you all sometime tomorrow. If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. I’m a FIRM believer in the power of prayer and I ask that you ask in your prayer for God’s covering over Nate. He’s touched SO MANY lives and he’s in prayers of many. Pray and BELIEVE that God heals!!!!! God Bless you All!

Brian Watts “Eazy”


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  1. Eazy, you already know what it is down here in Charlotte! Not only am I praying for Nate, I am praying for you and his family! Keep ya head up buddy and remember what we talked about yesterday!

  2. I’m believing and knowing God’s Grace is sufficient, and it will see you THRU
    Nate .God’s blessings to Nate and family.

  3. Prayers for the healing of Nate’s body and peace of mind for him and those that care in this trying time. I think its great that he has the support of former coworkers and current (some are cleary more than that – friends in deed).

  4. Thanks for the update Eazy! It was all over FACEBOOK yesterday & I don’t believe things like that until proven otherwise. Nate was truly an inspiration. He was the one I contacted when I joined Power 98’s original Hit Squad back in the early 2000s. Back in 98/99, when Nate vowed to stay on top of the old 98 sales office until Carolina won a game, they were doing a contest where you had to be the 98th caller to win $500 & guess who won..ME! I’d never forget him asking me to bring him something to eat from Mickey D’s w/my extra cash. LOL

    I am uplifting Nate & his family in prayer; I also encourage those who know the word of prayer to do the same.

  5. Thanks for the info EZ & APOLLO. I will pray for him, and pass this info along to many others he has impacted over the YEARS..

  6. Thanks Eazy , we’ve heard all kinds of stories back here in Charlotte but it is good to here what is really going on. I pray that he will make it through and he couldn’t ask for a better friend than you right now. Take care and be blesses

  7. Nate Quick has gone home to be with our Heavenly Father. It’s 2:20 and I just walked into the house from hospital. He passed away at 10:15 pm (Central Time). I had just got in from church and I called to Shay Moore (formerly of 105.7KRNB), who also had left from the same church. She’s spent numerous hours at the hospital, and I called to see if she went back tonight. She said she was tired and was going get some rest and go back first thing in the morning, I told her that I would see her then. I think I had enough time to walk to kitchen to get some water and she called me back crying. She said “Nate’s dad called me and I missed the call while I was in church…..He’s Gone!”. I told her that I had to go. I called Nate’s uncle who came to Dallas with his dad to make sure they were alright, and I told him that I was on the way. The body was still in the room and we sat and talked of what an impact Nate had on people and what a shock that awaits. It seem so unreal even though I was standing there over his body. He looked as if he was just taking a nap, and he had a slight smirk of his face.

    The strangest thing about tonight was the fact that every night, there was alot of movement anround the nurse’s stations, in and out of other patient’s rooms, sounds of computers, monitors, and other medical equipment, but tonight it seemed if everything was just peaceful.

    I thank you for the opportunity to be able to post here and Thanks Apollo for telling me about the site to help get the word out.

    On a closing note, If there’s a Radio Station in Heaven, I’m certain Nate just got a new job and the cool part is this….I’m sure the compensation package is Incredible!

    We’re Gonna Miss Ya Nate!!!!

    Your Brother In Christ,

    Brian Watts “Eazy”

  8. Just received word on facebook that Nate did go home to be with the Lord @ 10:15pm. I never met him personally, but remember the good times. Let the Joy of the Lord be your Strength. In the Name of Jesus may Peace be with Nate Quick’s family and friends. God bless you all and enjoy God’s blessings.

  9. I grow up listening to Nate Quick in Charlotte.He set the bar. I am truly sadden by the news and will pray for every one.

  10. My prayers goes out the family of nate and all of us as the ones who considered him to be family. I can remember Nate from the older days. In the clubs and when i use to go up to the station. Nate Quick name goes way back to when he use to come to the Rock (Hill). He will be missed deeply.

  11. I just recently received the news of Nates passing… I have prayed so hard for his recovery. I am truley overwhelmed with the news. Nates was such and Icon here in the Charlotte Community and surrounding area. I missed him so when he left ( that was my cut up buddy on the air- but I still have No Limit Larry 🙂 ), But I still jkept in communication with him. He was really a Great guy and SOOOO Hunbles…. Res in Peace Friend- Until we cut up again.

    Tray- Tray

  12. I just recently received the news of Nates passing… I have prayed so hard for his recovery. I am truley overwhelmed with the news. Nates was such and Icon here in the Charlotte Community and surrounding area. I missed him so when he left ( that was my cut up buddy on the air- but I still have No Limit Larry 🙂 ), But I still jkept in communication with him. He was really a Great guy and SOOOO Hunbles…. Res in Peace Friend- Until we cut up again.

    Tray- Tray

  13. I just recently received the news of Nates passing… I have prayed so hard for his recovery. I am truley overwhelmed with the news. Nates was such and Icon here in the Charlotte Community and surrounding area. I missed him so when he left ( that was my cut up buddy on the air- but I still have No Limit Larry 🙂 ), But I still jkept in communication with him. He was really a Great guy and SOOOO Hunbles…. Res in Peace Friend- Until we cut up again.

    Tray- Tray

  14. I just recently received the news of Nates passing… I have prayed so hard for his recovery. I am truley overwhelmed with the news. Nates was such and Icon here in the Charlotte Community and surrounding area. I missed him so when he left ( that was my cut up buddy on the air- but I still have No Limit Larry 🙂 ), But I still jkept in communication with him. He was really a Great guy and SOOOO Hunbles…. Res in Peace Friend- Until we cut up again.

    Tray- Tray

  15. I was so shocked this morning to receive a call about Nate. Nate is a great person and will truly be missed by everyone he touched. I will remember all the great times of hanging out with Nate and Brian in two kept me laughing. My prayers go out to Brian and Nate’s family..may God bless you and provide you the strength you need during this difficult time. Miss you Nate!!

  16. RIP Brother Nate…….you are missed here already, Lord, you musta’ needed him badly! EAZY, thanks for the updates……YOU take care too!
    We loved Nate at A Place for Hope, he was a hero to our kids……
    Until we meet again Nate……..peace out……

  17. R.I.P. Nate. I was a loyal Charlotte listener back in the day. Nate has gone to his Heavenly Assignment. He touch so many of us along the way! Peace and Blessings to Easy and Nate’s family and friends, Keep and share the memories in the days to come. You task remains to strive for the day when you will join him on His Heavenly Station.

    May God Comfort and Sustain us all,

  18. The last time I saw nate was at Winagte Homecoming and I was like what are you doing here. I was Intern for the promtion deparment and he was always just ball of fun.My prayers are with is family and I willl forever have special place in my heart for NATE.

  19. I was shocked to hear my bro, No Limit Larry of WPEG Power 98, announce that Nate had passed. He was such a sweet person and was glad I had the pleasure of knowing him. Nate was willing to help anybody. I met himback in 2001 and he helped me transition fromhigh school to college and assisted me in classes I needed help in. I remember when we found out he was leaving and everybody gathered at the station on his last day. I still have the pics from that day and will forever cherish them. He was great in the community and surrounding area. I will greatly miss him and my 98 fam, you all are definitely in my prayers along with his fam!!! Luv ya

  20. I am saddened this morning to hear of Nate’s passing. Nate’s mom Shirley was once married to my dad and I remember Nate from those earlier times in Greenville, SC and Charlotte, NC. Not only was Nate (affectionately called Pookie) a true lover of music but also a constant joker. I lost touch with him when he moved from the Charlotte area but my heart is heavy this morning. “Eazy” thanks for the information you have provided. My prayers are with his family and friends during this time. If there is anyway, I can get in touch with the family please provide them with either my information or post where condolences can be made. Rest in peace my “brother” remembering the good times.

  21. Eazy U used to DJ for us (Appalachian State University AKA’s) so we go back 4 sho. DJ Blackmon (Stacy) is my homey still.

    I called the radio station in TX to inquire about Nate yesterday morning, thats how much yall made an impression on me. I stopped listening to PEG when yall left for real because to me it went down after U guys left. (I am entitled to my litlle lowly opinion)

    I loved Nate and can hear his distinctive voice now. There was always a genuine quality, a love of life and laughter even at the worst moments LIVE somehow that Nate could turn around. I am sorrier than I can say for your loss.

    It is profound to say the least that my meditation below I feel describes Nate and how he lived his life. I hope anyone reading it decides to make a change the way he did.

    August 20, 2009
    We Are Only Fully Alive when We’re Helping Others
    by Rick Warren
    “Each of us will have to give a personal account to God” (Romans 14:12 NLT).

    At the end of your life on earth you will stand before God, and he is going to evaluate how well you served others with your life. The Bible says, “Each of us will have to give a personal account to God” (Romans 14:12 NLT).

    Think about the implications of that. One day God will compare how much time and energy we spent on ourselves compared with what we invested in serving others.

    At that point, all our excuses for self-centeredness will sound hollow: “I was too busy” or “I had my own goals” or “I was preoccupied with working, having fun, or preparing for retirement.” To all excuses God will respond, “Sorry, wrong answer. I created, saved, and called you and commanded you to live a life of service. What part did you not understand?”

    The Bible warns unbelievers, “He will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves,” but for Christians it will mean a loss of eternal rewards (Romans 2:8 NLT).

    We are only fully alive when we’re helping others. Jesus said, “If you insist on saving your life, you will lose it. Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live” (Mark 8:35 LB; see also Matthew 10:39; 16:25; Luke 9:24; 17:33).

    This truth is so important that it is repeated five times in the Gospels. If you aren’t serving, you’re just existing, because life is meant for ministry. God wants you to learn to love and serve others unselfishly.

  22. R.I.P. Nate Quick…you will be truly missed…God has a job for you to do for him now..You will forever be missed…Eazy you just be that Eazy and take care yourself…We miss you here in Charlotte…Thanks for giving correct infomration…

  23. I am so sorry to hear about Nate. I grew up listening to him in Charlotte and remember when he was about to leave to go to Texas. My prayers are with his family and friends and he is happy now. No pain should ever touch him again.

  24. Hello DJ Eazy Ice,

    Good evening. I am so saddened by the news of Nate Quick. I grew up in the Charlotte area listened to Skip Murphy and Michael Saunders (RIP) and then you and DJ Nate Quick. When I moved to the Raleigh NC area to attend NCSU for college I never realized at that time how great you guys were until I moved away from Charlotte NC. No matter where I have or lived or traveled here in the states and abroad noone to this day brings it the way you guys did on WPEG!

    Somehow God’s journey for my life landed me in Dallas Texas and for the first time in my life I was homesick for Charlotte NC . I will never forget the day that I discovered that Skip Murphy, Nate Q and You (Eazy Ice) were all in Dallas Texas! It was so great hearing and having a lil bit of home in Texas!

    God has since brought me home to Charlotte NC . Today when I got home after hearing the news on several stations here in Charlotte NC and after speaking to my cousing who was so distraught as well about the news of Nate, I came into our house and I immediately hugged my husband and kissed him.

    You see having experienced a lil bit of home with Nate Quick , Easy Ice and Skip Murphy in Dallas TX being from Charlotte NC thas made me appreciate even more Rugby and Soccer as they are a lil bit of home for my husband.

    Nate~ Thank you for having such a good heart and sharing the gifts that GOD blessed you with ~with all of us. You were the greatest and God Bless you and your family.



  25. I just heard this sad news. Nate was one of those rare people whose incredible spirit was so close to the surface you could feel it every time you interacted with him. I feel blessed that I knew him and worked with him. RIP

  26. I also remember Nate Quick from his Charlotte, NC days. I am sorry to hear of his passing. I remember Nate doing the quite storm at night when he was in Charlotte, am I correct did he do the quite storm program?

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