The Industry Dot Biz: Looks like WSRB Chicago morning show host Carla Box is out at Crawford outlet. Now let’s try to put 2 and 2 together. Another Radio DJ out of work to make room for a syndicated show maybe… ? (I’m really pissed at the whole syndicated market today but it is what it is) BRE states that Tony Gray told them Tom Joyner is in. In all my years in the industry, I have never had one conversation with Tony Gray…. (just an observation). Gray is reporting that Crawford Broadcasting has decided to run the Tom Joyner Morning show putting the radio legend back on in Chicago (yawn). This in effect is Tom’s last chance to prove himself in the market. We will see what happens. The PD, Tracie Reynolds, is not admitting or denying the addition of the show but that’s why we have innovative blogs like (laugh) we already know…