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Today is World AIDS Day – Blacks Still Disproportionately Affected

The Industry Dot Biz: WAD2014_banner_890z271

I wanted to run this because I have lost friends over the years both male and female. Blacks are still disproportionately affected by this disease with many young black men and women not knowing their status and urban radio and the black church is still not at the forefront to assist with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, addiction, heart disease, cancer and many other ailments that affect the black community. Just because we are negative or not affected by these ailments doesn’t mean our community is not . How many black lives could be saved if we stop being silent on the issues that matter most to our community? Urban Radio where are you? Press release via UNAIDS

World AIDS Day 2014, December 1 is an opportunity to harness the power of social change to put people first and close the access gap.  

Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible, but only by closing the gap between people who have access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services and people who are being left behind.

Closing the gap means empowering and enabling all people, everywhere, to access the services they need.

▪ By closing the HIV testing gap, the 19 million people who are unaware of their HIV-positive status can begin to get support.

▪ By closing the treatment gap, all 35 million people living with HIV will have access to life-saving medicine.

▪ By closing the gap in access to medicines for children, all children living with HIV will be able to access treatment, not just the 24% who have access today.

▪ By closing the access gap, all people can be included as part of the solution. 

Closing the gap means that ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is possible.


A range of materials have been produced to support efforts to close the gap. The materials can be used in different ways to express how individuals, organizations and societies can offer support in closing the gap.   


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