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The Catalyst CEO Champions for Change States Women of Color Underrepresented

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The Catalyst CEO Champions For Change Are Making Gender Equality A Priority

For the second year in a rowCatalyst CEO Champion For Change companies collectively have a higher representation of women in leadership positions at every level than their global peers—more women board directors, executives, senior managers, and managers. Since March 2017, the Catalyst CEO Champions—more than 50 top industry leaders—are demonstrating that progress is possible. We are still far from gender equality in the workforce and society, but as the Catalyst CEO Champions have proven, commitment that leads to action can effect change.

The Catalyst CEO Champions For Change signatories have committed to advancing more women, including women of color, into senior leadership positions and onto their boards. To hold themselves and their organizations accountable, these leaders boldly pledged to be transparent and share metrics on their progress. This is the second year Catalyst is reporting on how well their companies are living up to their commitments.

The numbers show that Catalyst CEO Champion For Change companies are outpacing their global peers in advancing women:

  • Women represent 38.1% of managers compared to 33% at global companies.
  • Women represent 28.2% of senior managers compared to 26% globally.
  • Women hold 24.4% of executive positions compared to 20% globally.
  • Women hold 27.7% of board seats compared to 22% at S&P 500 companies.

In addition, Catalyst CEO Champion For Change companies are outperforming their peers in advancing women of color, a particularly underrepresented group. They have a stronger pipeline of women of color in manager positions, and they are ahead of their peers in promoting these women into the executive ranks. They shine in the boardroom, where, collectively, they have more women of color board directors than the top 200 companies in the S&P 500.

“Catalyst CEO Champions passionately believe that what’s good for women is good for everyone. They’ve seen the positive results of increased diversity and inclusive cultures firsthand,” says Catalyst President and CEO Lorraine Hariton. “We are proud and honored to work with the Catalyst CEO Champions to both create gender equality in the workplace and inspire other organizations to do the same.”

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