The Industry Dot Biz:
This is WAY over the top. I may be missing something because I don’t listen to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. With all due respect to the true radio vets on the Steve Harvey Morning show, Carla and Shirley Strawberry, and to Steve’s legacy as a media mogul, in my entire 30 years of radio, I have never seen a true “radio pro” do a show on a treadmill let alone make a tribute to a recently departed radio icon at the same time while riding it. Steve would fire me because I would be the one person to tell him this sh is unacceptable. We need to hear directly from and see Shirley on camera Steve, she is the one who worked with him right? What gives? Is it me or is this disrespectful to our craft and to Doug? Can you imagine a preacher doing a funeral while eating chicken and waffles?
Am I making too much of it? Can you IMAGINE if a true radio Radio DJ like the late Frankie Crocker did a show on a treadmill in urban? he may have done it on a horse or while skating but he would have made it spectacular. Anything less would have never happened. Perhaps I am expecting too much but being a radio pro is a SKILL and a CRAFT there is no compromise, you work within those parameters. Perhaps a comedian would do a tribute on a radio show while riding a treadmill but a true Radio DJ…. would not. Considering that my urban radio brethren will not respond to this I’m asking fans of radio if I’m wrong. I will open my mind and imagine the possibilities. Perhaps Steve has started a new trend. Here are my suggestions for other unorthodox ways to do a show on the air and to make a tribute to an icon. Your thoughts? (RIP Doug)
I don’t see what is so special about syndication a guy in a studio in tampa floria trying to interact with an audience in newyork it don’t make no sense .at one time a radio personality was the king or queen of radio
you listened to their every word now it seems like they put any fool on the radio.
Very disrespectful!!! He couldn’t get off for 5 mins. To pay tribute to a legend ?. I hope that 3 extra calories he burned was worth it to him ?
Totally disrespectful. My question is has he done a show on a treadmill or in a gym before?
I totally agree with you on this one!!! Very disrespectful of Steve Harvey!!! Oh, I cannot stand Harvey!!!
I don’t believe it was disrespectful at all. He committed to working out the entire length of his show in effort to raise money for his foundation. Each year he selects 100 young men (his wife selects young women as well) to invite to his ranch for a week long mentoring camp. He wants to quadruple the number of young people hes able to invite so hes working out to solicit donations.
Donations? Do you know how much money Steve has (lol). OK well as I said Torrie, perhaps I am wrong but I think as a broadcaster, podcaster or any kind of host it’s disrespectful. It’s like Roland Martin doing his show while washing clothes. I know he would never do that. How can you expect people to pay attention to you when you are not paying attention to them?
Well hes invested his own money but you cant fund something like that out of your own pocket. I mean, he probably could but hes also raising awareness for his cause which Im very passionate about myself. Not to take away from it at all but the “tribute” seemed very informal and impromptu. I think that was great because it seemed like a group of friends just talking about another friend. Im not familiar with the work of Doug Banks but from all that his been said about him, I can tell he was an awesome man and I think the segment on the show was appropriate.
I agree with you Torrie. No one will ever be able to please everyone. People will always find a problem with something. And just because he has money doesn’t mean he has to spend it all on his foundation. No one does. And those that say they would are lying.
I get it…raising money for a most deserving cause! Maybe it would have been a better look had he put the words of his tribute in a document and had miss Strawberry read it on air, then he could chime in on the treadmill! Jesus…this is a man’s life who deserves a moment of reflection. Steve is not setting a good example here. Also is feeds into our society’s disregard for life.
Steve Harvey had made the commit to do the treadmill, bike and whatever else prior to the untimely death of Doug Banks. If you knew Doug Banks, he wouldn’t want Steve to stop trying to raise money to help these boys and girls. If you stop and think about it Steve has to fly these boys and girls and their mother to Texas plus feed them three times a day in addition to that he has to pay some of the speakers and various other expenses. Having been in radio and concert promotions I fully understand what he’s doing and why he did what he did. Besides Kevin this day in age I commend anyone that tries to help the youth of today. In this case my brother you are 100% wrong.
Great point! I listen to him daily and it really almost moved me to tears when he was talking about how much it costs him to put this on every year. The very ppl that say the kids don’t have anything to keep them off the streets are the same ppl that don’t understand his fundraising efforts, or wont give.
So very True Gary!!!! It’s always something with people.
This is what happens when on radio people try to be radio people I mean he really wouldn’t know Doug Banks was if he wasn’t playing around and radio right now yeah you’re right some of you are right they put anybody on the air now I’ve been here for 40 years I know who Doug Banks is I know who Frankie Crocker in the WBLS All Stars in Kansas spider webs did Jerry blood cells this is the team I come from and we take care of our brothers and sisters of the mic so I’m not surprise buy this Steve is a comedian definitely no radio personality and anytime anytime you want to go head-to-head I will wipe that smile off your face I don’t know if they told you don’t mess with Bobby Keys we do radio like you do wives
Your in a time warp. No matter how deep Steve’s pockets are, he’s trying to raise money for a good cause. Truth is 99% of his audience only listens.
I think it was perfectly OK. He was working out to help other people, and he couldn’t stop. I’m sure he will do a more extensive tribute to Doug Banks on his own show. When you capture immediate reaction from people, you have to catch them in whatever they’re doing at the time. Steve Harvey is one of the most sincere guys I know. He didn’t do anything disrespectful.
When I was a reporter, it was called “spot news”. You found people and caught the comments on the fly, or the event was “on the spot” – happening live when you were there.
I think we are too harsh on each other.
Doug was the one who first put Steve on the radio,letting him sit in for him when he was on vacation.He was the one who encouraged Steve.I would think Steve had much respect for Doug,his words he spoke on the treadmill ,to me reflected that
Not a fan of Steve per say,I liked him better when he local was on the BEAT in L.A.because he addressed real local issues I admire his hustle ,shoot more of us should be working out.Much ado about nothing in my mind.I am and will always be a huge admirer of Doug.
And while I am writing I had no idea he was sick I missed it, but in my mind, the sad thing was he died,if he needed a kidney I would have at least tested to see if I could help.I have an issue that none of us if possible,did anything to help this good brother if he could have been helped.To me, we should be angry about that!
I get the whole commitment to raising money, but a legend, whom you claim you owe most of your career to, just DIED. I think listeners, contributers, etc for your cause would understand that and if you took a moment from walking the treadmill to pay homage. It’s a sad state when folks don’t understand the concept of decent and in order. RIP Doug Banks
Um, relax my friends. Doug would not approve of this diaglog. We lost Doug Banks.. People We lost Doug Banks! I don’t care who was on a treadmill or masturbating. We lost Doug Banks. I am sad, We lost a good guy and mentor to countless like me… We lost Doug!!!!
I agree!!
I am with you there. Mike and Torrie. Why do we have to criticize every little thing.
All i can say he walk the path we all have to do someday earn his golden wings & to the beautiful ladies that he left behind your husband /father would want you to stand strong he may not be her physically but mentally and heart fully he still here his spirit will always be within you
Really man? He spoke the words on a treadmill he prob would’ve said standing next to it! Stop it! Bashing him! Do u know his heart?
Just hearing his voice on the radio coming home from work i miss that of a kind person God bless.
Hi, Before Doug made his transition, Steve was already riding the elliptical apparatus (not a treadmill), as a way of fundraising for the Marjorie & Steve Harvey Foundation that helps children in various cities who are being raised by single mothers, stay on the right track and/or get the insight of what being a young successful man/woman, should be, something they’d get from their fathers if they were in their lives. It’s all on Steve’s website if you’d care to look. He was only doing it for 4 days. Doug transitioned during those 4 days. It wasn’t a sign of disrespect & besides, I’m sure Doug wouldn’t have had a problem with it….
Cynthia, I have to admit, I was not aware of what Steve was doing because I don’t listen to his show. I get clips sent to me but I prefer to listed to radio that is intellectually stimulating. I give Steve credit for his efforts nonetheless.
Stop giving Steve Harvey a thought and wasted energy.
The main triumph is DOUG BANKS: his life, the legend, the legacy, his moment to shine. Love you Doug! Rest in Paradise!
You have posted a nice and informative article named “Steve Harvey offers Tribute to Doug Banks… while riding a Treadmill”, I learn a lot from your post. Go ahead, keep up the good work.