We like to ask The Industry Dot Biz readers their opinions from time to time on new radio shows. It’s been a little over a month since Parr replaced Tom Joyner on the FM dial in DC. How do you like his show? What don’t you like about it and what do you like about it?
In my opinion Russ Parr is great DJ for “his market” which is the Hip Hop generation. However he does not represent us that love Ol’ School Grown folks music. Tom Joyner not only brings the music that sounds like music but he educates his listeners. His segments on Take a love one to the doctor, Money Monday w/Melody Hobson, his advocacy love for our beloved HBCU’s and millions he has raise with events like “the party with a purpose” Crusies and TJMS Family Renunion. He is not a comedian but he is the only one out of all the urban stations I have listen to that introduced us to comedians we may never have known had it know been for the exposure they get on TJMS. 365 Black, Real Father’s Real Men, Jay’s murder the hits, Political commentary Roland Martin and the Smukler reports, Little known Black History fact and In Studio Jams. And the list go on and on; I know I have missed so many other segment but just look at it what other urban radio show gives you this much information and knowledge? I love them all but only TJMS does. To my understanding both Russ Parr and TJMS are under the same umberella of Radio One. What was the purpoose or removing Tom Joyner from one his “major” markets and push him to a station that “no one” can’t listen to at anytime during the day. I am still made about this change put Tom Joyner back because his definitely missed. THANK GOD! For the TJMS I would be completely out of sync. Please bring Tom Joyner and the Morning show crew back home.
Russ Parr is a mediocre talent who has always been a second rate talent. He knows he sucks. It’s very disappointing listening to his lame ass corny jokes. When they talk about politics and issues he’s lost. Rpms needs to make some changes. I would start with removing Russ. It would make his show a lot better.
This is Russ Parr type humor. I happen to like Russ, always have even going back to his days at KDAY
When Tom Joyner left so did I. I do not listen to Russ Parr. The station has lost a loyal listener; not that they care!
Have to admit, I was nit a Thom Joyner fan but listened to his radio show because of my loyalty to 102.3. When the Russ Parr Show took the morning line up, I stopped listening. Never was a fan of his shows.
Russ Parr is not for the older generation! It’s hard to believe that he is still doing the same things he was doing over a decade ago for laughs! ! He is corny and his crew is annoying as hell laughing at everything he says. If you can’t bring back Tom Joyner and his crew, then get someone else, because Russ ain’t for US!
I don’t listen to Russ Parr. He’s good for younger listeners, but is not my generation’s deejay.
I like Russ Parr.. I think he is hilarious and informative! We need to support our Black radio personalities..not promote negative energy such as stating how someone is corny or that they suck!! Contribute positivity..suggest how they could improve the show to get the impact that all of the dissatisfied listeners are looking for!! BUILD not DESTROY!!!!
When Radio One got rid of Tom Joyner I got rid of them. The Russ Parr Show is not good and Donnie Simpson show is stuck in time, like the 80s. Talks too much about stuff that happened yesrs ago….who cares. Talks too much about family and old artists and too much Huggy Low Down. I removed 102.3 and 93.9 from my car and home radio dials. You can’t even hear 1450 a.m. because of the static or dead air. I listen to TJMS on Tunein Radio Soul 106.3 out of Chicago. I hope Radio One lose its advertisers when they notice the listeners have left 102.3 and 93.9. TJMS is so informative to black america and Tom does so much for HBCUs. I will never again listen to 102.3 or 93.9. I am so disgusted with the owners of Radio One I have even stopped watching TV One. Good by and good riddance.
I agree, 1450 am has so much static, it is ridiculous!
I would listen to CSPAN all day before I listen to one minute of the Russ Parr show. Radio One, for whatever reason, has alienated a very large and affluent segment of their listening audience with this insane management move. They have lost another loyal “native listerner” who has been a follower of the station since its inception.
Russ is a great DJ. The music programming is awful. It’s one thing to play to a more mature audience. It’s another to play only old school music. I can’t listen to it. I grew up listening to that music and appreciate it. But I don’t live in that era now. I would love to be the music programmer for that station in general. Their style is too blahh. Tom Joyner has a fresher approach to music than the Russ Parr show.
Do you think Russ is too “mature” to be doing a format like that?
I like Donnie Simpson but I do t like his show anymore, never liked tom Joyner or Russ Parr, my station was always pgs and manic, with Russ on manic I don’t for them anymore, I still have pgs, I don’t have to hear huggy lowdown name either
I found the TJMS crew extremely annoying. Specifically the way they talked over each other when interviewing guests. Or even worse, the way they would constantly interrupt as their guests tried to answer their questions.
Can’t stand listening to Russ Parr and his crew. Tom Noyner was a funny and very informative show. I stopped listening with the TJMS departure.
Unfortunately the combination of Steve Harvey with Nephew Tommy is hard to beat for both of them.
Loved Russian and crew on WKYS. I’m not liking the show Majic 102.3. It’s not the same.
COUNT ME OUT OF LISTENING TO 102.3, AND THE Russ Parr show. It can never replace the Tom Joyner show and all he did and stood for. By……………..
Please bring back the TJMS. I stopped listening to 102.3 after Tom Joyner left. I tolerated the Donny Simpson show, but he is too self absorbed to listen to anymore, therefore I now listen to WHUR. I will not listen to 102.3 until they change there programming to something more dynamic.
Not a fan of the change or the Russ Parr morning, 1450 WOL full of static but thats how am radio sounds.
I listen online when i can at work or listen to the replay when i get home. Tom Joyner has information that
some people otherwise would not even think about. You will not get informative conversation/dialogue from
russ parr.
i understand change…so i choose not to listen to 102.3 Russ Parr
Bring Tom Joyner Morning Show back, now Iisten Yolanda Adams Morning Show.
I left 102.3 when TJMS left. Who is Russ Parr. Tom Joyner gave us Comedy, Music, Black History, promoted our culture and I can go on and on. Why was this change made? Go to hell.
I am a Tom Joyner listener in DC. I’ve been listening to him since his show became to DC over 20 years ago. I don’t understand why they moved him to am, I can’t can get the am station they moved him to therefore I don’t listen to 102.3 at all from 6-10 am. I’m very disappointed. I’ve been a loyal listener to 102.3 because it’s targeted or was target to those 30 and over. The Russ Parr show is not!
I am not a fan of Russ Parr. I have been thoroughly disappointed with the new lineup. Bring back the TJMS.
I’m afraid you over thought this idea,which is the worst move you ever made. Why did you get so personal? Tom Joyner back please. Can’t even barely listen to you
Russ is too much Hip-Hop. I am a grown up
I wish there were more shows that played back in the day music. I may not live in that era, but I’m from that era and love the memories it brings back.. I can only take so much rump de bump music. Sadly I only hear decent music when I travel south. I truly miss Eric St. James, Melvin Lindsey of the Quiet Storm, etc.
Can anyone on here spell?? Good grief that was rough!!
Personally my feelings haven’t changed; I STILL HATE THIS NEW LINE UP! I would love to have the TJMS and crew back on FM again but if not I am so glad we have the APP to listen to. I have gotten use to listening to the APP and if I missed any of part of the show I can always l play it back and listen to over again.
Can’t stand him. Stop listening and so did most of my friends. Don’t watch tv1 anymore. If you can throw away your older listerners, I can throw away you. Besides you need me (the consumer) to make money. I however do not need you.
I stopped llistening to the TJMS in my house because the signal is not clear; all I would get was static but in the car, I would listen to him. When they pulled Tom, sorry, nothing against Russ Parr, but I’m not a hip hop fan and I hate all the base in his show so I won’t be listening in the car. My go to show at home and in the car is and has been the Steve Harvey Morning Show! Channel comes in crystal clear at home and I keep it on my dial in the car. Plus I would always turn to my channel to WHUR at home on weekends anyway because it sounds like Washington (good music for cleaning and the beauty salon on Saturdays and great for getting ready for church on Sundays)! WHUR, don’t change a thing!!!