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OH NO: Russ Parr Event – 12 Arrests for Fights

The Industry Dot Biz: LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A police spokesman says about a dozen people have been arrested at a back-to-school concert in Louisville.
Louisville Metro Police spokesman Dwight Mitchell said there were no serious injuries. A spokesman for Louisville Metro Council President David Tand y says fights broke out Thursday as about 4,000 people were leaving the Louisville International Convention Center. Spokesman Tony Hyatt said the concert, which Tand y helped sponsor, was part of the Russ Parr radio show bus tour. Hyatt said there was shoving as concertgoers were leaving. He said it turned into fighting and police moved in. Program director Tim Gerard for WGZB, which carries Parr’s show locally, said the Thursday morning event featured national acts and school supplies, including flash drives, were hand ed out. He said it was a shame that a few people would ruin the event for so many who had a good time. A similar back-to-school event was held last summer with Parr and people were taken to area hospitals for heat exhaustion and other ailments.


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