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RF REVIEW: iRig Mic Studio and iKlip Grip


One of the greatest highlights of doing this blog are the materials I get in the mail for review. As a progressive industry vet, I greatly anticipate the future of the industry.  I’ve been getting a lot of Headphones, Mic’s, DJ Equipment and Blue Tooth devices over the last few months and this is one of the first ones I absolutely had to inform readers about. Voiceover on the go, Podcasing, hell, I even use the mic combined with amazing dictation software (I will tell you about that in another post) to write my latest eBook. You would be amazed at how much easier it is to write by saying it instead of typing it of course dictation software performs much better with a great mic. All of this of course because of my new iRig Mic Studio by IK.

Two weeks ago, I got the iRig Mic and iKlip Grip in the mail and could not wait to try them out. I’ve been looking for an on-the-go podcasting solution to use with my iPhone 6 instead of lugging around my heavy Blue Yeti. Let me say that I was immediately impressed with the sound quality of the small digital microphone that basically fits in the palm of your wrapped hand. It came packaged with a convenient tripod stand and a carrying case that fits very well into the glove compartment of my car.  I was thinking the sound quality would be OK at best but allow me to say I was wrong. I was VERY impressed with the crisp and sharp studio quality sound after a recent Podcast I did using the mic for The Industry Dot Biz . I currently have four mics that I use, on and off for podcasting and this one is by far the best. This mic does an amazing job of capturing the tonal variations, the highs and lows of your voice and the end result gives a polished studio quality sound.

It has a convenient gain control as well as a headphone jack and I can use it with my iPhone, iPad or USB for my laptop or desktop computers I watched a couple of videos online about it and was not surprised to see musicians recording with it. It also filters background noise. I can’t say enough about this mic except that I will be using it for all my podcasts and when I travel. I’m sure you will like it too. Would love to get your opinion. The iKlip Grip is available here.

  • Average Cost: $179.00
  • High Quality 1″ large diaphragm condenser capsule
  • 24-big, 44.1/48Khz recording
  • High Definition pre-amp with gain control
  • Headphone output with volume control
  • Multicolor LED indication
  • Cables included

The iKlip Grip is also great to use on the go, for me with video podcasts. It has a remote control and several various use options and includes a handheld grip that doubles as a tripod.

Score of 1 to 10 for both products, 10 being the best: 


Company Website 1K Multimedia

Contact Kevin Ross for items to review/.


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