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WHAT? Sarah Palin “testing the waters” for a radio deal

The Industry Dot Biz: What’s to “test”? She’ll draw the entire conservative base and a goodly chunk of the left as they tune in to channel the hate. Pay her whatever she wants and sign the deal.

Alaska’s now former Governor is coy about her future political plans, but radio is at least one option she’s leaving on the table. While not exactly shopping the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential cand idate, sources say Palin representatives have been quietly testing the waters to see how much interest radio syndicators have for her.

Sources say Palin hasn’t committed to radio either, but rather it could be a possible next step for her.

I’m assuming this would mean short scripted commentaries, a la what Fred Thompson used to do when he subbed for Paul Harvey. A live show, especially if she took calls, would be “¦ mind-boggling, and riveting. I’d honestly pay to listen. Plus, think how good she’d be in interviews after a few months of trial by fire fielding calls from deranged Palin-haters. “Line one, we have Andrew from Provincetown. Andrew, I understand you want to know who really carried my son Trig to term.”

The one downside of a live show: Lots of “whining” about the media. Lots.

via Hot Air » Blog Archive » Report: Palin “testing the waters” for a radio deal.


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