The Industry Dot Biz , the premiere urban radio and music industry site, received this statement from Reach Media concerning J. Anthony Brown’s departure from the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) today.
“J. Anthony Brown has been a great contributor and a part of the Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) family for many years. J’s current contract was set to expire at the end of 2016. J requested to be released from his contract a month early, and we agreed to his request. We appreciate all that J has done for the TJMS and wish him the best in the future.
To continue the excellence in entertainment that the TJMS is known for, the show will feature top, live comedic and celebrity talent to serve as co-hosts on a rotating basis until a permanent decision is made.” See What’s next for J Anthony Brown?
We will miss you
Already im missing j anthony brown. The show was great the way it was. If it’s not broke dont fix it
J. Anthony Brown is the only reason I listen. Without him there is no show.
I wish we could change his mind business is business the wheel must keep on turning and broken heart mean God will help those who are true friends Tom.. keep on doing what you doing as always let God lead you
I think I need to start a bring back J petition. I echo the sentiments of the other listeners. I always looked foward to J’s return when other comedians filled in but it’s not gonna be the same. Change can be good sometimes, but not all the time. While I can tolerate Skip, he is no Tom and the same can be said for J. I love Sybil, but she is only a part of the trio that many have grown to love. “A leaf working alone does not provide shade”. Now that Mr. Brown has left the building, I don’t think I will be listening whenever Tom is out on vacation. I know I am just one listener, but I hope my voice can be heard. BRING BACK J. ANTHONY BROWN!…please!
I agree, start a petition to get him back
I read most of the posts, a lot of sentiment expressed, but personally I felt that a lot of what Jay did was repeat what comments others made. I sure he made some great contributions, but it would a bigger loss if Sybil left.
Every damn thing is not funny
Not happy that JAB has left the show. Listening to the show is sad now. Its like someone has died. Has Tom, Sybil even said something about his sudden departure to the listeners. WOW my mornings will never ever be the same……. J. you made the show! If its a issue about money why wouldn’t you wanna pay him. Hell he’s worth it……. So who’s the replacement? Damon or Buggy Lowdown!!
Look for him to show up somewhere else.
Steve Harvey???
When Youngblood left 104.1 Morning Show on Saturday we screamed until we got him back. We must do the same now because that show will not be the same without J.Anthony Brown.
This is just business .If a contract runs out just resign
I guess I am in the minority here. I didn’t think he was funny,,,kind of bafoonish. I wish him well though.
J made this show fun to listen to. I hate he is gone!
Bring J Anthony back, he makes the show. All of you guys, Sybil, Tom & J Anthony were great together.
I will miss J!
Tom, bring J back!!!!!
you can convince him to return, you guys are BFF !!!!!
No one like J!!!
Sybil, they are your brothers, convince J to return. Don’t split the family.
Well in this business change is always imminent, he’ll be greatly missed but this is also an opportunity for someone to show they can be just as affective as Jay, now they better bring the noise in the worst kind of way because they’re coming behind a legend, so if they really want it they’ll bring it!!! Jay will be just fine he didn’t leave to just whistle Dixie!!!
The show won’t be the same without Jay!…plus the fact that the show has done very little to acknowledge it…Mrs. Dupree, Myra?…Who’s gonna murder the hits?
Man oh man don’t get me wrong but he was the reason why I really listen on Friday to do my man dance by myself on the way to a job that I truly hate and it made my day he will truly be missed love you oh and watch out there now ,,
TJMS has been our reliable four hour morning coffee. Period! We’ve been to the Sky Shows here in the USVI. Rene and I even patronized Sinbad’s show here because we linked it to the TJMS. We’ve listened for over 19 years and as the show got better and better, I kept noticing the spinoff – George W., Myra J., Ms. Dupree aso well as the skits or bits that keep the show entertaining. I have had to hunt the station down as the format changes. I, too, am forever greatful for the original setup and cast. I thought Tom was JAB’s boss and close friend. And though I am deeply disappointed at JAB’s departure, I have been contemplating the show’s exit from the airwaves for some time now. Not in bits and pieces as it continues to evolve. But no matter the changes, humor, especially JAB’since brand, has been the glue to all the other serious issues the show brought to the forefront. So how does Tom or Reach Media quantify JAB’s value? Alas, change is the only formidable constant.
He probably wanted more money since his contract was due to expire; maybe Tom could not afford it. I wish him and his white women all that life has to offer them. Its ok do that if that’s your desire, but don’t flaunt it like you got something above your peers. Good luck with Sheryl Underwood because they always have to come back home for that buck from his own!!!
I’m disappointed that JAB has opted to leave the TJMS. He certainly was one of the main reasons I tuned in every workday morning to listen as I was getting ready for work. I agree he was not the ‘whole’ show, but he was pretty daggone funny and was a great balance for Tom and Sybil.
For some time now I have thought the show needed a revamp, but it never occurred to me to remove the person that was such a huge contributor to the show. I was thinking more in terms of Huggy Lowdown as I am sick to death of hearing his catch phase…’what’s the deal…’ and frankly he’s just not that funny. And on Monday’s Melanie Hopkins…financial segment..ready for a break from that too. She’s for sure a skillful person in her arena, but at this point it’s like Essence Mag or one of the standard health magazines that keep recycling stories. After a 2 year subscription I probably have heard all she has to say at least twice. Damon is funny with ‘INN’ but even that has gotten old or needs some sort of change up. I live in Indy, so unless I subscribe to satellite radio, I don’t have a whole lot of black radio show options in the morning.
I understand business is business. Looks like J saw an opportunity and he took it. The show is not the same and it seems a bit dry now. It also seems that it’s now taboo to mention J Anthony Brown’s name. There is no one who can fill his shoes however I’m sure you will try. Good luck on your shows future.
Business is business, but the Tom Joyner show will not be the same….the only reason for me to listen now is to hear Sherry Shepherd….oh well we won’t be returning to the Family Reunion………;Tom if J’s leaving had to do with contract issues (money) YOU SHOULD HAVE DUG DEEP……..
Just watched JAB exit video, funny as usual. He.ll do well whatever he does. Be happy for him, sometimes change is good. If you want to be sad about someone leaving be sad that President Obama is leaving, now THATS something to cry and be sad about!
Business is Business,,
I rather miss know it it all leave, better yet shut the show down.
really miss j show is not the same do not like any of the other one ecept craford he is the only one i like the rest do not care for them show is not the same really hate monday person.only listen now because it has good informatiom.
Lets get together here and do a bring back J. petition. Here we go again divide and conquer. Then there is snake Steve Harvey who’s own trump troubles has him going after Jay. Wouldn’t want Steve to be my frat brother. Tom, Jay and Cybil have been a family to long.
I’ve been a listener for many years and now, it’s just not that good without J. Anthony. JAB knew how to do radio comedy and he kept me laughing. The new line-up just not doing it for me. They’re all nice people but they’re just not near as good at radio comedy like J. Anthony. This is a huge loss. I’ve given the new guys a chance and I can take it or lose it. Doesn’t matter. J. had all the great characters, like Rev. Adenoids and I always looked forward to him murdering hits. This is very unfortunate