“Radio is not about winging it. You truly have to have a personality. You truly have to know HOW to connect.”
We have noticed something that is greatly lacking in the few surviving and relevant industry trades: Spotlights. would like to lead the way by introducing you to some of the industry’s stars. We will be featuring various fresh-faced talent from this point on. Please meet Toshamakia Acevedo.How long have you been in radio? Wow! Well, radio was kind of an accident. But I’m sure God will say it was on purpose. I’ve been in radio since 2002What’s your history? When I was in high school I just knew I was going to be a registered nurse. I knew at some point that I would be delivering babies and taking care of other people to make them feel better about themselves. Somewhere in my life, God decided something different. I begin singing and had an amazing single with my team at the time. We toured, learned and it allowed me to get away from the reality of domestic violence in my life at that time.What station and city do you work at/in?Currently, in Greensboro on 102 JAMZ with the Afternoon Take Over from 3 PM to 7 PM and I’m also in Denver Colorado. I’m on Middays and I love it! I’m on KS107.5 from 10 AM to 3 PMExplain your name and what it means? My mother says that my name means child of God. But I think that’s her personal definition LOL. I have 26 letters in my entire name. So one day I said to my mom if you didn’t name me Toshamakia, what would you have named me and she said, Consuelo. I thought never mind she obviously was going for something unique. My Mother’s said I was something special that’s why she named me Toshamakia. It took me years as a child to be proud of my name because I was teased as a kid but as I got older I embrace it because my mom chose it and wanted me to be different. Something I didn’t see until I got older and now I love my nameWhat artist do you most admire right now and why?I dig Russ. I say, Russ, because unlike other artists he isn’t talking about the same thing that other people are talking about. He’s an open book, honest and open with his fans. He not only allows them to listen to his great music, he teaches them how he makes the music and that’s the difference between him and many artists. He also shares his past and he doesn’t back down from it. It’s almost like he sharing his struggles so that his fans don’t have to go through it. And I admire that about him. He genuinely cares about his fans. I love how his mom is everywhere he goes and how he shares his experiences humbly. He isn’t just an artist he does it all. Longevity.I also admire Kehlani. She has such an amazing story coming from such a difficult childhood to where she is now and she’s not letting opinions, social media or others break her down. If she ever took the time to tell her story she would help a lot of people. Those are the two artist that I admire at this moment
Tell me your most awkward experience as a pro broadcaster. Wow, there are so many. Lol. I remember being on air and the station just had thee most beautiful makeover. One of the engineers helping with our boards somehow knocked us off air for almost five mins on a Midday shift. Through the confusion and sweat (lol) I delivered and executed like nothing was wrong for the entire time with all I prepped for and it was amazing.What was your best? I’ve had lots of great moments in radio with artsy and celebs but nothing is more important than the community. Being a friend, and connecting with my listeners is the best feeling. It can be a coat drive or serving food to those who are going through a rough patch. When you forget they remember and it’s the most beautiful rewarding feeling ever!What does it take to be a great radio Radio DJ today? That is a great question. When I first got into radio I thought I was hired just because I was able to wing it. No, no, no. Radio is not about winging it. You truly have to have a personality. You truly have to know HOW to connect. It’s deep. It’s about being prepared, thinking ahead, being able to engage your listeners, learning to allow your listeners to connect with you not on it ego level but on you and I are the same level. Like we are one we are friends, we are family.What will your title be in 5 years? Five years I pray to be a program director running an amazing strong station full of talented people. While building on-air talent like I do now. I love radio so much and I love being on air. Someday, I would just like to build radio superstars for our future. Teach them a lot of the secrets that I was taught and the ones that I had to learn on my own, which honestly were a lot and I’m so thankful.Is radio dying? No, I do not believe that radio is dying. It’s free. It’s there for you no matter if you’re rich or poor. If you’re happy or sad. You can always turn it on and choose to listen to whom you would like. To feel inspired, to connect with or just to hear your favorite songs for free. I believe we need a lot more positivity on air regardless of what the music says. On-air personalities are not the music that’s just our generation but while we are playing their favorite songs we can still inspire and have an amazing fun time with them and get them through their dayDo you think more like a Millennial, Gen Xer or a Boomer?I couldn’t give myself a title. I’m like a chameleon I mesh very well with everything. I listen to everything from hip-hop, to R&B, country, rock, to house music, jazz, to salsa. My ears are open they spot true talent and truly love and appreciate all music.Who are some of the greatest people in radio today? A few women that I admire… I’ll name four. I’d say Lady B, Lisa Evers, Angie Martinez & Jenny Boom Boom.What makes you different from other radio Radio DJs? I’m not a shock Radio DJ. I speak from my heart and I’m what I believe in. I’m in a different space. When I first started in radio I really just enjoyed the moments. The learning process. I was a recording artist so radio was new to me and it was tons of fun but I was always nervous. Even still, radio had my undivided attention. Once I started to learn the craft, I enjoyed the club scene hosting and making great money that way. From there I went on to have my own night show in Philadelphia and have a full-time position for the first time ever while doing Sirius XM, I was trying to find myself. So here I was being this party girl and thought because I was the party girl I had to be sexy & edgy. But I later realized that wasn’t who I was. It took my arrival in Greensboro North Carolina as that morning show girl to finally be let go and have no job and not know how I was going to pay my bills or supply food for my family that truly humbled me. At the same time, I lost over 120 pounds. So mentally I became stronger, better and more positive and I was able to hear God speak to me. I’m completely different now and I’m not a shock Radio DJ. I love to share my life on the radio. I want you to understand that you may be going through some deep and dark with struggles whether it’s not being able to pay your bills, losing your car, getting evicted, not having lights on, suicidal thoughts, domestic violence, being molested, or being bullied. Listen I’ve been ther
e! I want to show others that you are not your pain. So the person I am on the radio is who I am my personal life and off the air. I love to laugh inspire and motivate others. It makes my heart beat. It’s what’s needed in the world especially today. It’s what I needed when I was in my dark place so now I want to give that to others.