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Child Bullies Forced to Listen to Tom Joyner ‘s Morning Show as Punishment?

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Child Bullies are a serious problem, all jokes aside, and I really have to give Colby Colb credit for doing his campaign against these fooked up kids.

I think the BEST punishment for child bullies is to be forced to listen to The Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) for 1 month and find out how it feels not to laugh for 30 entire days. I know, yes industry brethren and sistren… I know….I can be so got damn cruel and inhumane sometimes, can’t I? But dammit, these kids need to learn…and after this hard and vicious lesson, I am confident they will BEG their victims for forgiveness and tell them “Sh…, you can kick MY ass as long as I don’t have to listen to that show again! Please forgive me…. PLEASE! Here, I said HERE, take MY motha fookin’ lunch money. TAKE IT! Just no more Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) ” the former bully now frantically runs down the hall making sure he is EARLY for his next class. (see vid below of Colby’s efforts)


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