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Radio One Makes Changes in DC Russ Parr Moves to WMMJ, Joyner Moves to WOL AM

The Industry Dot Biz:

 Radio One DC Makes Big Moves To Grow Listenership

WKYS, MAJIC and WOL Get Face Lifts in 2016

tom+joyner+on+air-1-150x150(Silver Spring, MD…December 16, 2015) – On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Radio One DC, the powerhouse urban music cluster, won’t quite sound the same. It is expanding its airwaves and streams by shifting anchor morning shows to new frequencies to make room for new talent (and listeners) in Washington, DC. The following announcements were made today:

The FAM with Lil Mo and DJ QuickSilva moves from afternoons on Radio One Baltimore’s WERQ 92.3 FM to mornings on DC’s WKYS 93.9 FM from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday.

The Russ Parr Morning Show, a long time mainstay in the DC community, will move from WKYS and now broadcast on WMMJ MAJIC 102.3 FM at the same time, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Russ’s weekend show, On the Air will continue on WKYS on Saturdays, 6 a.m. – 9 a.m.

The Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) , that continues to be the top syndicated show in urban radio, moves from MAJIC to heritage station WOL 1450 AM, in addition to WPRS 104.1 HD2, WKYS 93.9 HD2 and WMMJ 102.3 HD2. The show will maintain its timeslot, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. WOL’s acclaimed Carl Nelson will move to the afternoon drive show from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Tom’s weRuss Par Headshotekend show, Right Back Atcha, will continue to air on MAJIC Saturdays, 6 a.m. – 8 a.m.

“To get what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done,” said Jeff Wilson, Senior Regional Vice President and General Manager of Radio One DC. “We are excited for the unique opportunity to expand our audience and promote fresh new talent on WKYS with The FAM with Lil Mo and DJ QuickSilva while serving our loyal listeners and keeping the momentum we have with Russ Parr, Tom Joyner and Carl Nelson in the market.”

The FAM with Lil Mo and DJ QuickSilva has a proven track record of success in Baltimore, but their relationship dates back to 2002 before they both became radio personalities. Lil Mo is a well-known R&B singer and co-star of TV One’s R & B Divas of Hollywood. DJ QuickSilva is an internationally known celebrity DJ known as “The Party Kingpin” who started his career at 14 years old. Their authentic relationship and chemistry are evident as they captivate their audience with the music they love and entertainment news they know firsthand from their connections with the biggest artists and athletes in the industry.

quick and Mo 2Their commitment to family and community resonate over the airwaves and will now be available to the mainstream morning listeners of WKYS 93.9 FM. Vernon Kelson, Program Director Radio One Baltimore will now also host the new afternoon show on WERQ 92.3 FM from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Radio One DC Makes Big Moves, 2

The Russ Parr Morning Show will be heard on WMMJ, MAJIC 102.3 FM. Though a top syndicated program, Russ provides a strong local relationship with the DC audience that is unmatched. Russ Parr and cohosts – Alfredas, Albert and Vic Jagger, provide a fast-moving show with edgy adult conversation coupled with the music that people want to hear. From the best films, to music, fashion and news impacting the African-American community, Russ always delivers with a style and format like no other. Now the MAJIC listener will know what it means to Get UP to Parr!

The Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) that has been on the air for over 20 years in DC will continue to empower listeners with information and entertainment. Broadcasting on nearly 100 stations nationally and reaching 7.4M listeners, Tom Joyner remains the top urban radio personality. The Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) will continue to be the morning show DC listeners awaken to, but now on the heritage station WOL1450 AM in addition to a number of HD2 stations. Celebrated radio host and Peabody award-winning journalist, Carl Nelson, will continue on WOL during the afternoon drive from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Show Today January 19th The Fam’ with Lil Mo and QuickSilva M-F: 2p – 6p on Baltimore’s Q92.3FM M-F: 6a-10a on DC’s WKYS 93.9 FM The Russ Parr Show M-F: 6a-10a on WKYS 93.9 FM M-F: 6a-10a on MAJIC 102.3 FM Sat: 6a -9a on WKYS 93.9 FM The Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) M-F: 6a-9a on MAJIC 102.3 FM M-F: 6a-10a on WOL 1450 AM, HD2 Channels of 104.1, 93.9 and 102.3 Sat: 6a-8a on MAJIC 102.3 FM The Carl Nelson Show M-F: 6a-10a on WOL 1450 AM M-F: 4p-7p on WOL 1450 AM



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  1. You Have to be kidding, moving the Tom Joyner show from Mafic, You lost listners when you got rid of Tim Watts. Well I guess I won’t be alone leaving MAGIC for good.

  2. I cannot believe this. Moving Tom Joyner to an AM station? Whose bright idea was this? I will not be listening. What a terrible way to begin the New Year.

  3. I am sorry to hear of the move of the Tom Joyner Morning show. I am an avid fan who listens from my ride in the morning and thru out my workday. I hope I can continue to listen on the AM station, but we all know, sometimes that can be difficult. I have nothing against Russ Parr, just enough the Tom Joyner show more.

  4. What a huge a mistake. I guess time will tell. I won’t be listening to Majic. Russ Parr is funny, but the music is not fit for a career minded workplace.

  5. This sucks Tom Joyner’s show is more than about the music. All the things that he does and bring to people of color and you put him on an AM Station. You tried this before and I hope listeners don’t fall for this. Bad move and I’m done and will have to go to WHUR starting the 10th

  6. This is Jacked Up. Moving the TJMS to AM frequency who listens to AM station these days. I am done with radio. You don’t let the songs play all the way through anymore and you also have to many commercials . Will miss you Tom.

  7. Why the move, if it’s not broke, Don’t fix it
    .Leave the Tom Joyner alone.In our town,we listen to music on the FM channel.

  8. Hugh mistake moving Tom Joyner morning show. That really sucks, especially moving to an AM station! I can’t get a strong AM signal. Tom, Sybil, and Jay keep me cracking up while Roland Martin keeps us informed. Sorry Tom, I’ll miss your jinxy predictions. I won’t be listening to WOL. Steve Harvey and WHUR here I come.

  9. Big mistake. I will follow Tom wherever he goes. I hope all of you will stick with Tom. He need to carry on his good work.

  10. If the Tom Joyner morning show is the TOP radio show why would you change and punish him to an AM station that possibly cannot be heard with out static… bad way to treat your number 1 show… sounds to me you are trying to lose listeners… this is only going to drive faithful listeners to other stations… possibly WHUR… this may even affect The Donnie Simpson show tooo now that the radio station will not be tuned onto 102.3 from morning to afternoon..will not be long before your loyal listeners are tuning in somewhere else…. IJS

  11. This move makes no sense whatsoever! The Tom Joyner Morning Show is more than just music. They keep us informed about things that significantly impact the African American community. Looks like you’re bowing to outside influences. Really bad move. Bring TJMS back or I’m gone.

  12. I am suprised by such a move. Really, Russ Parr! Not what I call a great move by the station. I will try to listen on AM but if not I will listen on his app. Russ Parr music format is not for me.

  13. I am greatly sadden by the news of 102.3 decision to move TJMS to AM radio, replacing it with the Russ Parr morning show. What demographic are you trying to capture with this move? Urban Black professionals received important Black information and news from the TJMS. All I can see is a decline in listener’s trying to find a media that will suite their profession and intellectual taste. Good luck to whatever your trying to accomplish….loyal TJMS listener.

  14. I am not a happy camper now I have to change my station no matter what I will still continue to support Tom, Jay and Sibyal the Tom Joyner Morning Show Oh Oh Oh!

  15. I am truly upset at this move of the TJMS. This is truly a stupid move, what is wrong with you people. Tom, Sybil, and Jay anthony are the best, who listen to Am radio any more. I will listen to Tom Joyner on another station, and I am done listening to 102.3 radio.

  16. A few years back Majic 102.3 got rid of Magic Memories on Sunday’s with DJ Ron V despite petitions and other acts of disappointment! No doubt u lost listeners during that time frame! Now moving the TJMS to am, really! Why couldn’t Russ Parr go to am? Executives or folks with other titles/positions don’t always know the “right” answers/moves! Reception for an is not that great but it is what it is! I’m in agreement with a lot of the other comments…if it ain’t broke why fix it, bad move, etc.! Only time will tell! I’m quite upset!

  17. I would love to follow Tom and the crew but am station too much static. I guess I will be switching to Steve Harvey Morning Show.

  18. I don’ t like this move at all. TJMS and Russ Parr have two different audiences. I set my alarm for 6:00am to wake up and listen to TJMS before going to work. Tom, Sybil and Jay don’t just entertain, they are also very informative. If this move goes through, I will just have to listen to my app.

  19. This is crazy you have a positive spoke person for the black people to listen to and you move him to a am station I felt this coming when they brought back Donnie Simpson and then cut Tom Joyner to 3 hours as a long time listener of 102.3 I think I’m finish with the station very disappointed.

  20. Trying to soften the blow with fancy marketing verbiage like “Heritage Station” is ridiculous! Going to an AM an station with hopes of driving listeners there is also ridiculous! If you’re old enough and you’ve live in DC long enough you remember WOL but frankly that’s all it is is a distant memory. We’ve long since moved away from AM listening and we weren’t longing to return to such primitive times. Can you say mistake!

  21. Wow, well Majic just lost one listener. I have been listening to Tom since 1995 and I can’t imagine my morning commute without them…no offense to Russ Parr (I like his movies) but I have tried listening to his morning show but to no avail, I went back to my man Tom Joyner.

    This made me pretty sad but at least I can still hear Tom and gang in the morning on the a.m. show. Best of luck Russ Parr but 102.3 just lost a morning fan.

  22. Big mistake moving tjms to 1450 am. You will lose listeners. Tjms helps people to get going in the morning on majic 102.3. Unhappy listener. Will probably listen to your competition.

  23. So according to you, TJMS is still the top Syndicated Urban Show so you punish the Urban listens by saying to us, if you want to continue to support the TJMS, you have to find a spot and stay put to hear the TJMS. Russ Parr is cool to his listener, but his sound is not for all. TJMS has always been heard in the main stream of radio and not the show is on the dial of luck. Well, it’s 96.3 or Satellite for me. Hey TJMS satellite can be a good move. At least you can be heard.

    Ask the former DJ’s of Magic 102.3

  24. I’m all for fresh new talent and providing opportunities, however to move the TJMS from FM to AM which is next to impossible to hear is a total disrespect to the TJMS as well as a total disregard to the DC listeners. I never thought I would become a regular Steve Harvey Morning Show listener, but then again I never thought I would have to choose… Goodbye TJMS I will truly miss you — thanks for the years of educating and entertaining.

  25. I like Russ Parr in the morning but it’s not job friendly and it’s for the young listeners. So I just recently switch from 93.9 to 102.3 to get my grown man music on and now you bringing young music to a grown man station…not a good idea. Now I’m going to have to listen to Steve Harvey and “CORNY” Nephew Tommy. Thanks a lot. Smh

  26. Who LISTENS to AM Radio in this day and age. This is a huge mistake. I am a native Washingtonian and I have always loved the format of MAJIC 102.3 (even as woman in my early 20s). Majic was the station I went to to get that smooth groove. It was a blend of Old School and some new music. While I was Donnie Simpson Morning Show listener, I didn’t not particularly care for TJMS, but after Donnie went off the air, I stopped listening to morning radio for 3 years. While I like Steve Harvey as a comedian, I don’t care for his radio show, and Russ Par and Tiger (at the time) on PGC & KYS their shows were too much loud talking and silliness. After 3 years of talk radio, I wanted music again. I gave TJMS another chance and while there are still some aspects of the TJMS that I personally don’t care for, overall, the show is similar in music content to Donnie Simpson’s old show. I have heard the promos for the Russ Par show and the show sounds canned and I can tell that I won’t like it or listen. Their brand of comedy seems to be quite juvenile. There are more than teeny boppers and 20 somethings that listen to the radio in this city. As a grown up, I just want to hear music, be entertained and informed. I don’t want someone screaming at me through the radio waves. This move appears to be designed to facilitate a change in the station’s direction. MAJIC was the polar opposite of PGC & KYS. It was an adult contemporary station, which I loved. The drive time show in the AM seemed to set the tone for the remainder of the day. It makes one think, is this change the first step in changing the format of the entire station? I wonder. I guess I will be listening to TJMS on the app and tune in to MAJIC at 10am when Michelle comes on, followed by Donnie. While I was ecstatic with the news of Donnie returning to the airwaves on MAJIC, I am quite disappointed in the direction Ms. Hughes & Mr. Liggins are taking MAJIC 102. Bad move…

  27. Majic just lost a listener completely! I was not pleased with the return of Donnie Simpson in the afternoons and now this. I have NEVER cared for Russ Parr’s humor (if that’s what you call it) and don’t care for Steve Harvey (can do without Nephew Tommy completely!) Guess I won’t be listening to morning radio on any urban radio station. How disappointing.

  28. This is unreal to me. The TJMS make my mornings GREAT. I’m not sure if I can get the AM station in my ride, but I will try. I’ve been following the TJMS for over 20 years now. Love, Love, Love, this morning show. I get in my feeling when one of them are away on vacation. The perfect Team on the perfect Station. I may have to turn my XM radio back on or listen to my iPod on the way to work (while sitting in DC traffic). The TJMS is loved by 3 generations of my family. This move is not right and the listeners upset and disappointed. We (DC metro area) LOVE Tom, Sybil and J. I want to know how the listeners can prevent this from happening. Do you even care about what the listeners are feeling or have to say? I don’t think so. So, so sad. Still waiting on Tom and J to say “April Fools”.

  29. I am totally stunned! I am one of the 7 million listeners who always listened to the TMJS! I will try to listen to TJMS on AM, but I am finished with WMMJ! This is a bad business decision. I hope Tom Joyner finds another station so his loyal fans can follow.

  30. Hey Cathy, add this to the seriously ignorant news. You beg listeners to support radio and then you do this to your listeners. Reason to listen to TJMS online. Happy New Year to you too 🙁

  31. This is obviously a move to dumb down even more of the black listening audience and I for one will no longer support your station! Russ Parr’s show appeals strickly to the younger generation and the ignorant listeners who care more for immature silly topics and immature antics over empowering information like “little known black history facts” to “party with a purpose” compared to Russ Parr’s dumbing down “word of the day” and “Zodiac readings”. Although it’s all comedy and entertainment his style is not what WMMJ’s audience have come to expect from what many consider the DMV’s best station for the grown and sexy listeners. It feels like you’ve sold us out in a time that we need solid music and intellegent insight the most.Dissapointed,very Dissapointed

  32. Didn’t Ms. Hughes try this a few years back and had to bring the TMJS back. We will see what happens here. I personally think there’s bad blood between the two. Hope I’m wrong. Been listening to Tom since I was a child when he was working in Chicago.

  33. Bad move Radio One Inc. and Cathy Hughes! I have been listening to the TJMS since is was a child. I have always listened to WMMJ MAJIC 102.3, even though WKYS caters to my age demographic (I am just under 30). The TJMS is informational, hilarious and has a great cross section of music. No offense to Russ Parr, but I am not a fan of show. The topics that he discusses don’t peak my interest and the music caters just to one demographic. I think the time has to go to Satellite Radio at this point. Maybe TJMS should go to XM with his own radio station. I would listen to it!

  34. Why switch the tom Joyner morning show to wol am smh russ parr is ok but tjms keeps me moving well good luck smart heads at radio one just thinking about there selves.

  35. I am very disappointed to hear that Tom Joyner, the leading radio personality, is moving to AM. This is an insult to his over 8 million listeners. My entire family listens to Tom and company in the morning and we span three generations. I can’t get 1450 AM at home or even in my car on a regular basis, so this will not work for me. I noticed HD channels mentioned in the article and am wondering if this is a ploy to get folks to trash their radios for new ones.

    Love the Hughes family, but this is not good.

  36. Keep the people happy including myself. Leave the Tom Joyner Morning show like and where it is. Just do it.

  37. No wonder our youth (and some older persons) know little of our culture, music, political acumen, social and human issues, substituting TJMS, which is fun, entertaining, educational, and POPULAR.. TJMS brought all of this. As an educator, I have find TJMS the answer to enhancing a wider demographic spread than Russ Parr. With his co-hosts, Tom has “checks and balances.” Communication educator and trainer, and I find TJMS quite educational and entertaining, e.g. Black Facts, scholarship awarding, Tuesday xmas, Ralph Sharpton, Roland Martin, and Don Lemon are just a few of TJMS’ political maturity. Why pander to emptiness and dumb-ing down from others?? The TJMS music program is not reflective of some of the bombastic crude music of today; yet we substitute. I researched to try to understand differences between AM and FM, and I was sad to find less pros. This move has been the negative BUZZ over the DMV area – you know the difficulty that some of us have trying to access AM—why challenge a loyal audience? I will start to access TJMS from my computer. I am sad!  IF IT AIN’T BROKE, why are you trying to fix it?? Another listener to bite the dust

  38. I heard the promos on WMMJ announcing Russ Parr coming to Majic morning drive. I guess I will have to get the TJMS App. Russ Parr and TJMS appeal to totally different demographics. There is something else going on here…. TJMS on AM? Makes no sense and this change will not work for your 35 -49 demo audience..

    Good luck. I’m out.

  39. This is a bad idea. No one hardly listens to A.M. anymore. Plus A.M. stations drop off the frequency within miles after leaving the location. Usually people associate A.M. with talk radio, gospel along with other non popular stations. I hate to say this, but I think Tom Joyner will lose some of his fan base. He is such a wonderful radio host, and his program has helped some many people. I’m sorry the powers to be made such a bad decision. However, I wish him well.

  40. I am definitely disappointed with this attempt to continue to dumb down the music and listeners. We as adults and grown folk like to hear music with a meaning. Not the degrading music that these young DJ’s play. I personally want to hear music with substance and musicians playing instruments.

  41. Really???? Exile Tom Joyner’s top Urban radio program to AM? Is AM suddenly getting updated? Or are we expected to now tune in to the TJMS on the same old crackly, static-filled, low-powered frequency from yesteryear?

    AM news/talk radio is generally NOT the forum for introducing new music and artists, upbeat humor from first-class personalities, and just plain fun. You will lose your audience when most of us go to an online ap (not yours!!). And we all know that where the audience goes, there go the advertisers.

    Bad move. I’m so done with Radio ONE!.

  42. Do not like the switch of the Russ Parr morning show…Me and my 16 yr old son loved listening to Russ and Alfredas every morning.

  43. This so crazy moving all these stations around and I even check the am station don’t even come in clear…Please leave it alone Thank you

  44. This sucks. Poor frequency to bad judgment. Next TJMS is going to satellite radio. Who’s drunk decision this was. Russ Parr can’t reach out to all generations.

  45. This is a big Mistake. I will miss listening to this station… but will follow Tom and the crew to 1450 – If I can even get reception on AM??!!! Tom plays music for all ages and has a following to reflect various interest in the African American community. Whether sharing about Black history facts, or HBCUs, he is about so much more than music and the format and knowledge fits my needs. I think this is a petty and mean thing to do to someone that has really brought recognition to the station… is this a result of some petty fight with Kathy Hughes? WPFW is good for talk.. but I want to hear a mix of music and they play nothing in the daytime. Even the White House listens to TOM? If you want to do what is good for radio… don’t move Tom Joyner.

  46. I would like to know the reason behind this move. why are you sending the tom Joyner morning show to a am station ‘ maybe Iam missing something. Could this be a brilliant move without and explanation only time will tell. Still have love for ya

  47. Tom will be missed. I will not listen to magic if Tom is not there. WOL has poor reception. Another listener is gone.

  48. as a listener who prefers the “younger” talk shows and youthful music I too am not happy. I liked the format of Russ Parr on WKYS- it fits the music. Now I have to switch to Majic and listen to older “grown” music in between goofy Russ Parr. the whole thing is ridiculous basically. I was never a TJMS – its a bit much for me anyway so not bothered about its disappearance. quick and Mo- I luv quick. Mo is a bit too loud and obnoxious for me- not sure I wanna hear her voice on my way to work. So today I flipped between the two channels to kinda get a feel of it all. Personally I will just listen to Fresh FM- the pop station. These Black talks shows are now a hot mess if you ask me.

  49. What a stupid jester. You can’t imagine how many people this change is disappointing. The TJMS is an icon in the DMV. Each morning it helps commuters start they’re day with laugher in a world where each day there’s less to laugh about. I read a statement that the powers to be want a show during the TJMS’s time slot that caters to a younger group. How dare you discriminate like that. What we listeners over the age of 50 are hearing is that “we don’t matter.” We’ll just be stuck listening to “what the young folk like.” Well, be sure, if it’s not Tom Joyner, it’ll be nobody. What a stupid…..stupid…..stupid….move.

  50. I am very disappointed
    This is not a favorable decision for Tom’s avid listeners! Move Russ Parr’s show. Your article said that Tom’s show had the largest listener base

    Please reconsider your decision. The poor reception of the AM station this morning was unbearable


  51. Moving Russ to an contemporary music station like Manic 102.3 and moving Tom to an am station??? Bad business!! You just lost millions of listeners!! Good job dummies!! Smh

  52. Well, unfortunately I can’t get 1450AM out here in Ashburn, VA! You really think I’m going to tune into those other urban stations while driving my kids to school, or for the matter, on my way to work!?

    I guess I will tune into NPR until I can afford HD or streaming in my car.


    Is there a petition for this?

  53. I have been a Tom Joyner Morning Show listener for years. I plan to follow him to the AM station. Bad business decision on the part of radio one.

  54. Not feeling this move of the TJMS to AM Radio. My reception is not strong enough to get the station. I think I am ready to fork over the money for XM Satellite Radio at this point.

  55. This is the worst professional move by a radio station that I have seen. Will be listening to 95.9 in Baltimore for TJMS.

  56. I love the TJMS. Unfortunately, the reception for WOL is terrible. I can’t pick up the station until I’m almost at work. I usually tune in from 6:30-8:00 (when I get to work). It’s about 7:45 before I can pick it up now . . . so I don’t bother. I don’t listen to Steve Harvey, have never like the RPMS, so that leaves WPGC. However, the music is not geared toward us older folk.

    As a result, I have now subscribed to Sirius/XM and in the evenings I listen to WHUR. I refuse to listen to any Radio One station. They have done a disservice to Tom’s many listeners and have disrepected him by putting him on a station that one can’t pick up.

  57. I will no longer listen to 102.3 FM. No disrespect to Russ (I wish him well), but NOBODY ASKED ME!! I have been listening/enjoying the Tom Joyner Morning Show for over 20 yrs. I started listening while driving to work. While sitting for hours in the “Rush Hour Traffic”, I would always have a smile on my face because of J.A. Brown’s antics. Then when I retired in 2005, I continued to wake up at 6am and listen to the TJMS six days-a-week. Of course, we can’t get AM in the part of Maryland where I live, so that’s it for me. I’ll miss you TJMS, but, “MONEY TALKS”.

  58. As soon as I heard Russ Parr I changed the channel. And I am not listening to Lil Mobile in the mornings either. I could BARELY tolerate her in the evenings !

    • I wish they move Russ back to kys and take the Fam off – The Fam is annoying as hell. Lil Mo can sing but host of radio in the mornings NO. Tjms back to 102.3 and Russ 93.9

  59. By moving the TJMS to AM will cost majic a lot of listeners. I for one enjoyed the morning commute while listening to the best in radio. And nobody’s funnier than J Anthony Brown. I can’t access 1450 am on the new HD radios. Please reconsider your decision and bring back the TJMS.

  60. I still can’t it over Tom not being on FM

    I’m not listening to 102.3 I now listen to 96.3 and when I can I still try and listen to Mr Joyner on 1450 but its
    not enjoyable

  61. Can’t believe they’re moving Russ Parr morning show. 102.3? Maybe it’s rebranding but that doesn’t speak to me. Lil Mo and DJ Quick Silva is better suited for the ride home not the wake up.

  62. Cathy Hughes and Radio One, you’ve made a big mistake. Do you really think Russ Parr and his silly crew is better than the Tom Joyner morning show? The am station is not available in DC. I watch Steve Harvey!!

  63. Somebody make this make sense to me!!!!, why would you move TJMS to AM? This is crazy; Russ Parr is no TJ. Your TJ listeners will not listen to Russ Parr. BIG MISTAKE.

  64. Haven’t listened to Majic 102.3 since the change. I now listen to TJMS on 100.9 in Georgia.

  65. I miss the Tom Joyner morning show as well. I don’t listen to MAJIC anymore since they’ve moved. How do move a top rated syndicated show to A.M. station. That’s disrespectful, and disgraceful.

  66. Please take Quicksilver and Lil Mo off put Russ Parr back to that station. No one takes Lil mo seriously and I can’t even get tom Joyner on the am station. I tried this morning. And old dude that’s on 95.5 is not funny with that gigitty gigitty bull I’m completely irritated in the morning now

  67. I’m a tjms fan for life! Sky shows at Tennessee State University !!!!! Love you Tom, Sybil and JAB!!!

  68. I hate the Joe Claire morning show,he’s not funny and the music sucks now the “gidty gidty” mess is annoying. I can’t take Lil Mo seriously and she’s annoying for my morning zen. Wtf would y’all our tom Joyner on ????? Radio one ruined my morning commute

  69. I can’t listen to Quick and Lil Mo without cringing. Lil Mo is irritating in my opinion in the way she speaks and just over does it. Quick is cool, but maybe they should look for another personality for Lil Mo. It’s too much for a morning show.

  70. Radio one, admit that you made a mistake moving Tom and his crew. Russ is rude, Alfredas talks fast and Huggy Low down use to be great, however his humor let when Tom left… I tried listening to Tom on AM, I only heard static…need a solution? All those who made this change need to be removed immediately. They put a weak link in the radio chain.

  71. 107.7 plays old school music in the fayettville nc market. Russ parr does not fit here on this station. Foxy 104.3 does not reach this far down I-95. Bad mistake Radio one

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