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Radio Disney Selling All Stations Except One

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Radio Disney To Sell All Stations

Bye Bye Mickey!  The Walt Disney Co. plans to sell all of it’s terrestrial radio stations except one and ultimately move all of Radio Disney programming to exclusive digital distribution.  Of the 23 Radio Disney stations up for sale, are the big stations in major markets like Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, New York, Atlanta and Houston.   The sell is being initiated primarily due to the new listening habits of young viewers, in which many have adopted a preference for satellite radio and online platforms.  A Radio Disney spokesperson states, “Radio Disney will increase its investment in both digital distribution platforms and music-centric programming to optimize the network for long-term growth and to better reflect the habits of its listeners, a national audience of kids and families”.  Radio Disney’s KDIS-AM station in Los Angeles will be the one remaining station from where it will originate national network programming. An inside source reports that Disney intends to sell the other 23 stations by September 26th.

Disney still operates ESPN Radio, which owns stations in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago and has 500 terrestrial affiliates.


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