The Industry Dot Biz: Nate Quick, one of the nicest guys in the industry is on life support as you read this. I am devastated and I just found out that he has a severe liver ailment. Nate Quick and I started out in radio together at WIGO in Atlanta where he worked 7 to Mid and I did the overnight shift. I can honestly say he was a true friend and we have been good friends since 1985… Doctors and those close to the situation say the outlook is very dismal and his father and family members are on their way from Carolina to make the final decision. Nate was just getting on my case because I came through Dallas a few months back and didn’t get a chance to stop through to see him. I regret that I did not make that trip now. I will keep you posted of further details.
I am praying for you, Nate and his family.
Truly sorry to hear about Nate – You’re right one of the nicest people ever. You could hear his true personality over the air. Over the years as I traveled the country it was always interesting to scan the dial and find NQ in various cities.
Nate is truly one of the few great guys in the industry. We go back to the V-103 Atlanta days in the Early 90’s doing mixshows and promotional appearances. May God take you under his arm and cradle you. May he shower you with all the love and blessings that you have earned and now need.
I did my first radio internship with Nate! He taught me everything. The nicest guy you will ever meet! I have been at my desk all day thinking about him!! Nate you are a great man! Great role model, great mentor, radio legend, GREAT PERSON. Thank u for everything u ever taught me!
Wow! I am shocked to hear this terrible news about Nate. Nate and I also started in radio together in radio in 1984-1985 at WCLK in Atlanta. I took over afternoon drive when he left. Prior to that, we worked together on air at WCLK. I remember visiting him at WIGO and at V-103 when he started at both stations. I am praying for him. May the love and light of God be with his family.
I’ll be praying for your friend and God’s child.
Craig Neely
Pro Marketing Entertainment
I remember when Nate came to Charlotte back in 1990.
Michael Saunders had me to train him at WPEG…. We became good friends immediatly.
Over the years we stayed in touch (That is great) !
Nate has done a lot of good in the community and has helped a lot of people and charities over the years.
I am floored by this news.
Hang in ther Nate…. You are a good dude.
God , please be with him and his family!
I don’t pray a lot but I am praying today!
P.U.S.H……..Pray Until Something Happens!!! God is good & he is able!
Nate, try to find some authentic Grovlia Tree juice (from south america) or some Hyssop (african only, liquid). May help. Also, on a spiritual trip. Place your hand on the area of the liver, and say out loud “No sickness, deseases, or ailments formed against me shall prosper” Everyday!!! Won’t hurt to try it. Best wishes.
Nate and his family are in my prayers and in God’s care.
I remember Nate Quick from Atlanta college radio station 91.9 when I was very young. I am praying for you and your family.
Nate helped me get my first shot at commercial radio straight out of college at Power 98. He taught me so much the time I was there. I am truly saddened by this news. nate you are truly one of the great people in an industry that sometimes can be brutal. I pray for you and your family. May God Bless you
My prayers are with you Nate and with your family. May God’s Blessings be your,
My prayers are with you Nate and with your family. May God’s Blessings be yours,
Nate defined jock for me. He was already heading west be the time I got to WPEG but previous yrs spent listening and interacting with him further defined my impressions of him. Nate is a true leader, a true friend and a classy dude who followed his dreams and encouraged us to do so too. If anyone can flip this situation its Nate!!! Nothing but love admiration and respect to you Mr. Quick.
While working @ WPEG in Charlotte, Nate came to our community center and played Santa for the kids in the neighborhood. He brought a truckload of toys, and a beautiful spirit that day! He hung around afterward, talking to the youth, shooting hoops, ..keeping it real. Nate really connected.. He was a hero to those kids that day! He is blessed with the ability to make a difference in so many ways.
Keep the Faith Brother Nate, we are on our knees today. May God continue to Bless you, your family and loved ones….
Nate Quick is my friend and I will pray for him and his family. I recently visited Dallas and saw Nate I had no idea of any illness. He is always jovial and upbeat. He has supported me throughout my tenure at Def Jam and was supportive in my independent move. I am a witness to God’s grace and know the power of prayer. Let us all pray!
I’m praying for Nate & family. I was joking with Nate a few months ago about his age & hooking him up with some good QC barbecue. so sad…DANG
I worked with Nate at K104 from 2004 to 2006. The coolest dude! My favorite personality to listen to as well. It’s true about him being the same on and off the air! This news hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m praying. I’m praying!
I loved to listen 2 Nate when he was in Charlotte. Nate and his famiy are in my prayers. GOD BLESS!!
Nate my brother stay strong. Thank you all for the great stories about Nate. Truely a great announcer and always has a smile even if the day is going bad.
Nate and his family are in my prayers. May God bless you all.
Hello everyone. I am formerly known as DJ Eazy Ice from Power 98 in Charlotte, a former co-worker and roommate of Nate. We’ve worked together in Charlotte and here in Dallas. I’ve received alot of calls & text messages and what has bothered me are some of the “speculations” that I have heard since Sunday morning. I felt the need to submit a post since I have been at the hospital off and on since Saturday night. Nate has complications with his liver which has caused other organs to malfunction and shut down. They are keeping him heavily sedated and he’s on a ventilator. Forgive me for not knowing alot of the “medical terms”. Saturday, he was rushed to the hospital after collapsing at his home. He had stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. They had to put a tube down his throat for his breathing. I got to the hopital and he was very pale and lost alot his color, and today, he looked like he had much of his tan color back. I spoke to one of the nurses, and I was told that the levels of his vitals were all out of line when he was admitted and within a day, everything had sort of leveled out to a stable state. At times he can respond to voices and tries to to move his mouth and open his eyes. If you hold his hand and talk to him, he’ll try to squeeze your hand to respond to you.
He recognizes familiar voices and will try to open his eyes. No Limit Larry from WPEG flew in to visit Nate today and was very responsive to Larry. He also responded to voices of coworkers that visited from K-104 and KRNB. I haven’t set up a Twitter account but I will attempt to set up one tonight to submit updates. Alot of people have heard different things and have said to me……”If I hear something, I will call you to verify it”!!! I will be going back to the hospital in the morning (Tuesday) and I will update you all sometime tomorrow. If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]. I’m a FIRM believer in the power of prayer and I ask that you ask in your prayer for God’s covering over Nate. He’s touched SO MANY lives and he’s in prayers of many. Pray and BELIEVE that God heals!!!!! God Bless you All!
Brian Watts “Eazy”
Nate Quick is just a phenomenal person with a beautiful spirit and heart of gold. This news has just really sadden my heart, I will continue to remain prayful of this situation. Hang in there Nate!! We love you here in the Carolinas. You have touched so many lives here. Family hold on to God’s unchanging hand.
May God healing powers control the situation at hand, may the family be strengthen and comforted during the waiting hrs. God has everything in His hands. We love you Nate and praying daily for your recovery…
Nate’s smile and enthusiasm could always be heard in his voice, and it was transmitted to hundreds of thousands of listeners on a daily basis when he was in Charlotte. Peace and blessings to him, his friends, and his family. Hang in there homey!
I am very saddened to hear about Nate Quick’s illness. I remember when he was on Power 98 and he always conveyed a positive attitude. I was once a mail carrier and he was on my route. Of course when he opened his door and came out for his mail I knew who he was immediately. Yes that cheerful smile was there and he took the time and talked with me. I found that to be very special because at times when you run across someone in the limelight that rarely talk to you. My condolences to the Quick family.
I started my radio career at WBAV/WPEG in Charlotte back when Nate Quick was still there. I remember Nate had the best personality and he was true to his commitments…I remember Nate vowed to live on the roof of the our old Power 98 sales office back @ 1998/1999 (the old raggedy office..those who were there know) until the Panthers won a game, it was a fundraiser for a local adoption agency; Nate was on that roof for what 3 weeks?, and he caught pneumonia, people were dropping off food, money and flu medicine…despite the challenges, Nate stayed true to his comittment. Thanks to Nate for setting a great example and I will definitely keep him in my prayers…I believe in the power of prayer…individual and collective! Peace and Love.
GOD can change things…Let’s continue to pray for one of the good guys of radio…Nate is one of the people in this game that you enjoy being around…Let’s pray that GOD keeps him here with us a longer.
There is nothing that God cannot turn around. Inspite of what it seems, God has all power. I know that may sound so common, but we must allow God to take control of what is going on. He reminds us to Be Still and Know that He is God. We must come together in prayer and praise God in advance for what he is getting ready to do.
When Nate was at Power 98 in Charlotte we listened all the time to his great radio voice and his humor. He is one of the greatest.
God is good, and will do what is best for a great personality.
I had the pleasure to get to know Nate when I was in Charlotte at WJZY TV 46 and let me tell you, he made a huge impression on me from the moment we met!
Nate is a caring, people focused professional that connected with everyone he came in contact with.
My heart is heavy right now, but my trust and my faith is in knowing that God has a plan and purpose for our brother Nate. To his family, stay strong and know that your son has graced this world with his presence!
Pray for Nate!
im keeping nate quick in my prayers, i grew up on him as a kid in charlotte on power 98…
Nate is a trooper, a gentleman, a very caring person for every community. I hate that I don’t keep up with everything anymore and am just finding out, but am very thankful and blessed that I can call Nate Quick a TRUE friend that is very genuine. I would drive my cuz up to WPEG when it was in Concord and we would just hang out with Nate all day. He looked out for my cuz and blessed him with a position at the station. He also gave my good friend a starting chance in comedy before he was old enough to go into the comedy clubs. God bless you Nate and continue to fight as you have always done. Thank you for taking care of my both my peeps….No Limit Larry and Moronzio Vance. You told me to get my behind to Dallas, and now i got to come. Thanks Brian “Eazy” for the truth.
I miss doinq coke a cola jams with him
my mom my aunt && eddie owens threw them
&& dj tab deviasi
but he was qreat he treated us like we where his own kids man
i cant believe he’s gone we lost a leqend
but qod qained an anqel &&n im cryinq while im typin this
i love you with all my heart
the whole family does my heart qoes
out to your family in charlotte atl && texas
wpeq aint the same w/o you or eddie