Hilltop residents in Columbus have long suffered from issues related to neglected properties. Complaints about squatting, illegal activities, and trash accumulation have plagued the neighborhood.

Recently, the city has taken significant steps to address these concerns, responding to numerous 311 calls and local media coverage.
Neighborhood Complaints Lead to Action
Hilltop neighbors have made dozens of 311 calls regarding a problematic property. They reported it becoming a homeless camp, filled with trash, and a hotspot for illegal drug activity and theft. These conditions made the area unsafe, prompting residents to repeatedly seek help from city services.
Initial Media Coverage Spurs Change
After a story aired on ABC 6 News, featuring the neglected property on Badier Avenue, the city took immediate action. The property, previously filled with squatters and trash, was cleaned up swiftly.
Kenya Martin, a resident living nearby, expressed her surprise and relief at the prompt response. Despite numerous previous calls to 311, it was only after the media coverage that significant changes occurred.
Legal Action Against Property Owners
Following the initial news report, the city filed a lawsuit against the property owner. This legal action forced the squatters to leave, much to the relief of local residents like Martin, who noted that her children and grandchildren could now safely play outside. The city’s swift response highlights the impact of media attention on addressing community issues.
Ongoing Issues with Neglected Properties
However, the problem extends beyond a single property. Another problematic site along Harris Avenue was also highlighted by neighbors. Despite temporary cleanups, resident Carla Carr expressed skepticism about the long-term effectiveness of these efforts.
She noted that the property often reverted to its neglected state within a few months, necessitating repeated 311 calls and city interventions.
Calls for Accountability
City council member Shayla Favor emphasized the need for accountability among property owners. She acknowledged that the current owners of the neglected properties had effectively abandoned them, both mentally and financially.
Favor assured residents that their complaints were not in vain and that continued vigilance and reporting were essential.
Resident Frustration and Continued Efforts
Residents have felt frustrated by the slow response to their 311 calls. However, the recent actions taken by the city demonstrate that persistence can lead to results.
Favor encouraged residents to continue reporting issues and to utilize local media to amplify their concerns. The involvement of the On Your Side team has proven instrumental in bringing attention to these issues.
The situation in Hilltop underscores the importance of community action and media involvement in addressing urban neglect.
While the recent cleanups and legal actions are steps in the right direction, ongoing vigilance and accountability are necessary to ensure lasting improvements.
Residents are encouraged to keep voicing their concerns to both city services and local media to maintain momentum in the fight against property neglect.