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Mo'Niques Pay Disparity from Netflix Gains Momentum, Another Popular Black Actress was Shortchanged

The Industry Dot Biz:
Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer

Looks like Monique’s timing may actually be pretty good in bringing traction to the low ball offering from Netflix for a comedy special. Her controversial video exposing the streaming network has opened the door for the discussion of severe pay disparity for black actresses across the board in comparison to their white counterparts. Actress Jessica Chastain is receiving praise for helping Octavia Spencer, both have become actual friends off-screen, get a 5x pay boost for their upcoming project. Spencer stated: “Here’s the thing, women of color on that spectrum, we make far less than white women,” Spencer told her former The Help co-star. “So, if we’re gonna have that conversation about pay equity, we gotta bring the women of color to the table.”



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