Mario Carbone, Co-Founder of the internationally acclaimed hospitality company Major Foods Group, sits down with Maverick Carter for a new episode of “Mavericks with Mav Carter”to share more about the world of food – and how this all came to be.

Key Episode Highlights:
Mario Carbones Reveals His Dream Dinner Guest
- “The top of my list is my grandfather, who is my biggest inspiration for doing this and never really got to see him fulfill this dream. Gotta throw Frank in there. Every memory I have of him, he has an Apron on, he could be in the garage fixing his car and part of him getting dressed in the morning was putting an apron on.”
Mario Carbone Talks Through The Power of the Dinner Table
- “The table is the center of the family and if you’re in charge of that, that’s a huge responsibility for the family, it’s your love language. “
Mario Carbone Talks Creating The Ideal Restaurant Ambiance
- “With every choice we made from the menu, to the waiter, to the waiter’s tuxedo, to the floor to the music. If I am really intentional with every choice I make, I feel like I can transport you into my story.”
Mario Carbone Talks Being 1 Years Old Basting The Thanksgiving Turkey Which Planted A Seed For His Love Affair of Food
- “There are photos of me at 1 years old basting the Thanksgiving turkey in my grandfather’s arms. They’d give me the peas to clean and keep me active as they babysat me for a few hours.”
Mario Carbone Admits He Wasn’t A Great Student and Cooking Was His Only Hope
- “I realized the scholastic route wasn’t for me and I needed to follow this vocation, this trade and I’ll always be able to feed a family, I’ll always have a job. “