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Man Accused of Killing Radio Station Employee Claims Innocence, Asks Local TV Station for Help

The Industry Dot Biz:

Accused of Radio Station Murder: Antwon Banks in court


Murder Victim Daniel Florez

Eyewitness news, KWCH12 in Wichita, KS, states Antwon Banks, 31,  was arrested for murdering radio station employee, board op Daniel Flores, in 2014. He goes on trial today for that murder.

That’s about the only info this video gives that’s a complete sentence and thought. Otherwise, there is very little offered here in the line of motive, evidence or even a connection to the victim. It is later revealed that Banks did not know the victim but his girlfriend, Lisa Bryce, worked at the station. So why would Banks kill Flores? This story gets very strange.

It appears Banks and his girlfriend had just broken up the Friday before the murder.  His ex girlfriend stated that the former football coach was very kind but could be possessive which is why they broke up, however, she did not suspect he would kill someone. The victim was said to be checking the doors and locking them when the perpetrator entered and hit him over the head with a blunt object, killing him. Since the station had no cameras, one is left to ask, could the person who entered have been a random person trying to rob the station? How does the breakup of Banks and his girlfriend make him the suspect in a murder?  Later the local press stated that Lisa stated she was probably the intended target but that doesn’t make sense either. If Lisa was his girlfriend and he wanted to harm her, didn’t he know where she lived and didn’t he know her work hours and habits? Why would he go to the station and kill a total stranger if she was his intended target? Banks was stopped by a Crimestoppers tip unit and when they approached his car, they state he had already stabbed himself in the stomach. There’s more….

Banks, then wrote a well-written 5 page letter to the local TV news station begging for help because he states he is innocent and he did not stab himself. Eyewitness News then does a biased report on the letter (see video below) clearly steering to discredit Banks’ innocence pre trial.

“In February, 25-year-old Daniel Flores was found dead in the basement of Steckline Communications, a Wichita radio station. Police say he died from blunt force trauma to his head. A few days later, officers arrested Antwon Banks during a traffic stop. They say Banks stabbed himself in the stomach and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Banks was charged in Flores’ murder and put behind bars. Now, four months later Banks writes Eyewitness News a five-page letter from jail. In it, Banks offers sympathy to Flores’ family but says he is not the person responsible for what they are going through. Banks wrote, “I didn’t kill that young man. I have no reason to hurt him or anyone,” and “I have done nothing wrong.” On another page, Banks goes on to say “I had no weapon on me at all and cameras will show I had no weapon.”

Eyewitness News states that the Police have never talked publicly about what kind of weapon was used.” Banks ends the letter by asking Eyewitness News for help. “Please help me,” said Banks.

Banks and former girlfriend who worked at radio station

Was he stopped for a traffic stop or murder? There are conflicting reports with the local media. Why would he stab himself in the stomach before the officers got to the car? Why won’t the local police state what he stabbed himself with? Why and how was he charged? What kind of evidence did they have in order to charge him?

Eyewitness News then goes on to say… “Banks made a number of other claims in the letter, but Eyewitness News checked with people close to the situation who say much of the claims are not true.”  So that means he’s guilty?  What claims? Who did you talk to? Who responded? Do they even know Banks?

This is the worst piece of journalism I think I have ever seen on TV. It’s as if the reporters are trying to sway the audience into the direction of Banks being guilty with little or no effort. Then it gets even MORE interesting. After sending the letter to Eyewitness News begging for help because he’s innocent, a Sedgwick County Jail  inmate testifies that Banks told him that he went to the radio station to confront a man he thought was texting his girlfriend. If that is the case how did Lisa think SHE was the intended target?  The inmate told the courtroom that in their conversation, Banks admitted to killing Flores. That’s seems very hard to believe. Did the inmate get anything in exchange for his testimony like a reduced sentence?

Perhaps YOU can make sense of this… An intelligent man, stabs himself in the stomach at a traffic stop, (Banks states he did not have a weapon and the video from the arrest will prove it). He’s claiming innocence, writes a 5 page letter to the local TV station begging for help then turns around and tell another inmate he barely knows that he committed the crime? Where is any evidence that ties Banks to the crime? What do you make of this?

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