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KEVIN’S SUMMARY: Radio Scam/Ineta recap “I quit this Bitch”/Part Timers Extinct?

The Industry Dot Biz:

David Burke had a pretty interesting scam going at various radio stations where he was buying time for his show: “Get Real with Dave.” He was hosting seminars in various markets to help people get out of debt by charging them thousands. Help me to understand , if you don’t have money to pay your bills, how do you come up with $3000 to pay for this? With many radio stations in financial dire straights, it was not that difficult for Burke to get his show on the air where he lured listeners to his seminars and lied by telling them he was a financial expert. Turns out he has problems with his OWN finances and owes the IRS $200,000 and he filed Bankruptcy in 2000. Chances are, he was using the money that these unsuspecting clients were paying him to buy more air time. At any rate, he also has an F business rating with the BBB and over 100 complaints for his business practices. A TV news outlet busted him and his offices outside Denver were just raided.

Best Firings/Resignations…

And the award goes to… The MOTHER of all of the BEST resignations came from the legendary “Inetta the Mood Setta” in of all places KBLX in Alabama in 2006 where I believe James Alexand er was the PD. The clip of her audio is (below) and her last line the famous “I Quit this Bitch!” caused an internet explosion of support. Her frustration rang true with MOST part timers nationwide who are often treated like hot dog sh… by the station.

Word is Inetta had received offers from Detroit, Miami, and even New York City! She allegedly even did an interview with a Top 40 station in Portland , Oregon, and they were trying to hook her up with their urban sister station during the interview.   Her delivery on the audio was pristine and she avoided the FCC’s seven deadly words, even at the end, so the stations want her spunk and ability to tap dance all over the line but not cross the line. I have not heard anything else about her.   Not necessarily because of what she did or even being blackballed, she expressed a lack of desire to continue working radio on this audio. If I was a PD I would have hired her immediately. The fact that she let the station have it without breaking the broadcasting rules is impressive to me (lol). audio for iquitthisbitch

Programmers are complaining that part timers are hard to find. Well, this is a double edge sword. If you treat them like this then YES it is going to be hard to find them. In addition what in the hell can they aspire to be…. MORNING SHOW HOSTS.. give me a break. There are NO spots left at urban on morning shows. Part timers should be paid well, coached and trained. Not just left alone to navigate the station during the weekend while the PD takes a break. If interest is shown in them they will show interest. It is certainly no wonder why the pool is dry ….

The industry has been quiet… Have a GREAT weekend

Kev Ross


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