The Industry Dot Biz: Earlier this week, I did a piece on the “it” factor for radio and talked about how rare it is. I have never been impressed with yuckers, quite storm fake deep pipes or sexy diva radio personalities. Most of the time, the person doesn’t fit the voice. Yuckers usually have greater potential but they don’t believe in themselves, quiet storm deep pipes are usually reserved for insecure midgets and sexy diva voices are usually attached to women who look like 50 Cent. Then there are the select few who bring it to the table convincingly and with what appears to be ease. Those are the people I talked about earlier this week.
For those of youze who added all the names to the list… um, this was Kevin’s list. Sure there were a few names I forgot but just because someone has a big name it doesn’t make them great at doing urban radio… I mean, look at Tom Joyner (laugh). At any rate, I wanted to add a few more visualizations of a “Perfect” urban radio situation…
1. If I were Radio One, I would put all external assumption that I currently surmise and bemoan may have a negative effect on my company (economy, Performance Tax, etc) and take a good hard look at the company ITSELF and upper management. Is it time for some changes?
2. Tom Joyner should be worried about steve harvey but even more about Rickey Smiley
3. With the right management, advisement and team, Skip Cheatham could easily be groomed as the new Tom Joyner with half the stations and twice the impact.
4. Lackluster hosts like Keith Sweat and Brian McKnight will be over within 2 years. They don’t have the discipline or talent to pull it off much longer.
5. steve harvey is waiting for the mega deal from Hollywood where he can partner on projects. It won’t be long after that, that he will exit urban radio faster than Shirley can giggle.
6. Kathy Brown would better serve Radio One in a more upper management capacity.
7. Doc Wynter is the only upper management executive that can still do a radio show and not sound like Jack the Rapper in 1954. Does that not say something about the other people in upper management making decisions for TODAY’s radio?
8. There is currently (nor has there ever really been) an urban radio expert. Someone who has the balls to address the issues, make suggestions, motivate radio people and not suck industry ass. Can you name 1 single person? I can’t. To that end, I guess I am forced to take the job as the new industry expert. Will you vote for me? I’m warning you… I don’t have a pristine past (laugh, who in de fook does)
9. Good looking black announcers OR black announcers with a strong presence are doing themselves an extreme injustice if they are not using their looks or personalities to their advantage. Get a job with the local news stations or as a spokesperson for a corporation or company in your market, do more videos of your show online, MTV and many networks are always looking for new talent, fook trying to rise through the (missing) ranks of urban radio PROMOTE YOURSELF. If you are hideous please stay behind the mic. Lawd.
10.The radio industry could better utilize the following true leaders in a greater (higher) capacity: Reggie Rouse, KJ Holiday, Derrick Brown, Jim Kennedy, Gary Saunders, Colby Tyner, Terri Thomas….
11. I’m tired and I’m going to take a nap. I’ve been up since 4am and I have to register for classes today. Leave me be (what the hell does that mean?)
Yo Kevin, you have a fantastic sense of “know” … lol, even though I can’t agree with all of your stuff.
This piece on the IT FACTOR is all of that! Good writing cuz.