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KEVIN’S SUMMARY: Deniable ReQuest-ion/Charge Him for Charge(h)er

The Industry Dot Biz:  width=I am at Starbucks with my headphones on swimming laps in the warm depths of my often-ignored solitude and enjoying my iced green tea. Dammit, I am at peace and my feet are on the chair.   I’m there… yes, I’m there.

This adventure is   my carefully planned escape from mediocrity… it is   my desire to be free of all encumbrances while I create my own world. Can I have this time?   Can I?     No… an odd looking woman just came up to me and asked if she could check her email on my computer….did I mention… she is eating. She told me “If you let me check my email on your computer I will love you forever…”   I told her I didn’t have internet service, but it was evident I was surfing because I was on a Google page. Now I am the bad guy, the asshole and the nasty bastard for not letting her use my sh… (laugh) as she is telling her friend at the table across the room.   Oh well, I put my headphones back on trying to revisit my journey of peace before another irritating intrusion. A bald white guy comes up to me and asks me to use my blackberry battery charger for his phone on his computer. Once again I am besides myself with one question… WHY? I had to take off my earphones for this?   You would think the fact that you even have on headphones would be somewhat of a clue that I just might be busy? What in the fook do I look like a charging and internet station..? “Get the fook lost”… I stare, knowing my thoughts fail to elude the expression on my face because I want to make sure he gets the message… “I don’t have a charger…” I state, but my phone is directly connected to my Mac and it’s being charged! He looks at it and asks me if I’m sure. I say “Yep, I’m sure,”   and put my headphones back on.

How logical would it be for me to walk up to a woman I don’t know in Starbucks and ask “Would you mind if I go through your purse gotdammit?” Or if I went up to a man and asked “Can I use your debit card to get some coffee cake?”

How can you ask a stranger if you can use their computer and battery charger? … I would never ask a total stranger those questions so I don’t expect people to ask me.   Would you? Well, I will start all over again tomorrow and see what other adventures take place when I try to turn off the world.

Have a great weekend



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