The Industry Dot Biz: J Anthony Brown resigned from the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) yesterday. Here is the video resignation.
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The Industry Dot Biz: J Anthony Brown resigned from the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) yesterday. Here is the video resignation.
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People are really, really, really going to miss you. You were the only reason I kept listening to the show J. Now I’m just going to listen to Steve Harvey.
@Kay 11/29 6:21pm
HELL NO. steve harvey is a mess. he needs to be off radio off tv off ffamily feud and stop writing books.
he is in no position to give advice with his history of broken promised and bad relationships!
good luck J Anthony!
You could not have said it better…Steve Harvey needs to sit down , and concentrate on getting his life together, before he can tell anyone else anything… He’s no a person that I would not take any advice from…Sweep around your own fr ok nt door…..They need to replace him ….
Wow! We are in shock! This news is devastating! It’s like waking up on November 9th. J. Anthony Brown you will be terribly missed by everyone around the world. We wish you nothing but the best and we will continue to support your funny. Yes I said your funny. You always makes us laugh! Thank you for twenty very good and very funny years. You are and were the BOMB! The TJMS will never be the same! WHY? Damn! Damn! Damn! We love you man and we will be right there when you come to Miami or Ft Lauderdale. Yes sir! WATCHOUTDERENOW?
What happened on November 9?
November 9 was the day after Donald Trump was elected.
That was the day after Donald Trump was elected.
Am African and I listened because of J. This man can make fun of God and pope will laugh too. Thanks brother. But before you go, I just want you to know that Africa is better than all your African jokes. Whatever J.
I wish you well with your career…
Actually, I thought he acted baffonish…wasn’t a fan.
Wow….this is sad news for me….however I enjoyed you and I wish you well…you are one of a kind…so funny…
Is this Tom Joyner?????lol
You will be missed …listened to you for years….watched you live at 3 TJM shows ..God bless you always
Dag,you made me laugh so hard in the morning..gonna miss you…
I don’t know what I will be do now that you are gone, the show is not the same without you.
The show will not be the same without you J. Wishing you the best in all your future endeavors!
The show won’t be the same with out U
I’ll holla..??
Will you be on the cruise?
Are you talking about J Anthony or me (KevRoss)?
Take care homeboy (Columbia, SC) and I will miss your jokes and murdering hits!
Man,sad to hear,I know J will be alright.The saying nothing last forever applies to everything and everybody.I have had the pleasure to attend the Sky Shows and they were fun,then they were No More.Wish you nothing but the best,also had the pleasure to see you in Dayton Ohio last month,who would have thought that was the last time that Tom,Sybil, and J would be there for the last time.Mr. Brown be safe and prosper
Update, See what’s next for J Antony Brown here >
Why is J.Anthony Brown resigning from the tjms.
I’m goin to Miss J also…..we will have nomore murder hits…I’m not goin to listen to the show anymore…..Tom had ppl replacing J all this week and it was lame….they wasn’t funny at all…..I’m turned to the show and it’s really boring…..
I hate change and this is too much for me to bear.. you have made my getting up and off to work a joy. I hope you stop by occasionally to put that smile back on our faces. You’ve placed a hole in my heart that will be extremely difficult to fill. ?
I will miss you.TJ show will miss you. Tom isn’t funny alone! He is a respected commentator and successful business guy who will need talent like yours for that show.
Brown this is sad! You are family and I loved you and the family for almost 20 years. I was so glad to have you back in Orlando now you gone. I will miss you so much and I hope they will replace you with someone just as funny!!
J, Anthony Brown get your behind back to work immediately. You know the TJMS family love your talent and they have been supporting in all your hard work and endeavors down through years. It will be hard to say goodbye to yesterday but weeping has endured Monday morning November 28th 2016. But joy will come to TJMS every morning from now on. Tom, God has provided and surrounded you with talent 20 yes ago and still in the mending and forgiveness business.
Minnie Dawkins
You are so quick witted. No one, on “any” of the other shows can make quick quips like you. The side kicks on the other radio shows are extremely slow with come backs if they come back at all! Super (S-L-O-W)!! You’re the man. I caught the SKYSHOW five times at various locations, (2 in B’ham, 1 in Huntsville, 2 in N’ville). Gonna miss ya Playa! Playa, Playa, Play Oooonnnn!! 😉
This is just awful, my mornings will never be the same.. What’s strange is Tom hasnt said anything about J.Anthony Brown’s departure from the show…. These guys were friends for 20 plus…. Its more to this story ……. IMO TJMS has suffered a great LOST……. I’m trying to stay loyal but the show is not funny without JAB…… Hopefully Tom you can turn this around….
My morning will never be the same .this is how I started my day..miss you J..
Loved the murdered hits and humor; good luck!!
A legend will be missed….the show is simply not the same!
Thank you J you are the greatest of all times. You, will be missed. May GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS & SHINE on you.
Wow, J you took me to work every morning and a few times i thought i was gonna have to pull over because i was laughing so hard. Changes comes with faith, i pray that everything you set out to do will prosper with good will, love and God’s grace. Stay focus and alert my friend.
I like J Anthony Brown. He was and is funny. The TJMS will not be the same. Sometimes we must go to grow. Best if luck to you Mr. Brown.
Sandy, GA
I will miss you man! you truly made the show. I listened all over the country and looked forward to the morning open. I always looked forward to what y’all’s take was on everything that was going on. And I mean everything! The chemistry — Jay, tom and sybil balanced each other out. Nobody has ever filled those shoes well even comedians I other-wise liked. I can see how hard it was to be funny everysingle day — but IMHO –He was. many, many days I belly-laughed at some stuff. when the show was on all day (I have worked all around the clock) I would listen all day at times. One of my favorites was Rev. Adnoids — Plenty of tickets for the hit play…and Will the women who look like…Made me laugh out loud everytime. Brither will be missed.
Oh Jay! You , Tom & Sybil were a complement to each other. Each brought out the best in one another. A team like none other. I’m saddened by this news. I really hope the door is open for your return if all else fails. NO ONE CAN REPLACE YOU!!! Sign me devastated fan.
now my morning will never be the same:(
HURT!! The show will never be the same, would listen just to hear you. Take care and God bless.
Either I missed it or he did NOT mention Tom Joyner.
S. Young. He was talking about Tom when he said thank you “Player”.
This island girl is really going to miss u….
I laugh so loud when u give that joke about the
Plane that had a problem,you said the plane
Needs a good screw
Thanks for the laughs
Tom needs to go………
Life is always changing and so Career’s even at your age “J”. Is good to know funny will always follow a good comedian .
little joe from Houston texas when you left I stop listening to the show it is not funny anymore
To my main man Jay …ditto on most of the above comments. The TJMS should be thankful you were there for twenty years. Tom’s vacation has come to an abrupt halt. Maybe this will teach Tom about respect of person. I am so happy for you.I thoug t you would have left years ago. But hey contracts and steady paycheck….what to do.Looking forward to more and more from you. . A true fan…always
Will miss you J but life goes on, wish you the best
I will still listen o the show, I understand that things change, so yes, will still listen to TJMS