In a series of alarming incidents across Los Angeles, a suspected carjacker has targeted women in three separate attempts, creating widespread concern among residents and a heightened alert among law enforcement. Authorities have identified the suspect as Maurice Latour, a 49-year-old man with a predatory pattern of behavior. Despite knowing his identity, police have yet to locate him, leaving many women feeling vulnerable and urging others to take extra safety precautions. The three attacks, which all occurred on November 9th during daylight hours, highlight the importance of vigilance and self-defense measures, especially for women who are alone in public spaces.

First Attack at a Gas Station
The first attack took place at a gas station in Lincoln Heights. The unsuspecting woman had just filled her tank and was preparing to leave the pump when Latour allegedly approached her. According to eyewitness accounts, he attempted to push her into her car, demanding her keys. Despite the sudden assault, the woman bravely fought back, managing to lock her doors and prevent him from taking control of the vehicle. Authorities note that the attack was swift and came when the woman was distracted—an all-too-common situation for anyone filling their gas tank. Fortunately, her quick reactions thwarted Latour’s attempt, but the incident left her shaken and highlighted the vulnerability people face in everyday situations.
Second Attack in a Parking Lot
Later that same day, Latour struck again, this time in a parking lot in Boyle Heights. A woman was loading her family into her car when he approached her, seemingly waiting until she was occupied with getting her family settled. According to police reports, he attempted to wrest the keys from her while she was vulnerable. However, once again, the would-be carjacker was forced to flee empty-handed. While no one was physically harmed, the attack left the family traumatized, underscoring the disturbing nature of Latour’s modus operandi: he preys on distracted women, often waiting until they are engaged in everyday activities to strike.
Third Attack: A Brazen Attempt Foiled by a Bystander
The third attack was perhaps the boldest of all. Latour reportedly followed another woman from a gas station, then pulled her from her vehicle after she reached her destination. The aggressive nature of this attempt highlights Latour’s audacity and disregard for potential witnesses. However, unlike in the previous two incidents, a Good Samaritan intervened, rushing to the woman’s aid and forcing Latour to flee. This courageous intervention may have prevented the situation from escalating further, demonstrating the critical role bystanders can play in preventing crimes.
Expert Advice on Safety and Self-Defense
In response to these incidents, Eyewitness News interviewed self-defense expert Danny Joyce, CEO and instructor at Impact Personal Safety. Joyce emphasized that awareness is a person’s first line of defense. “Being aware of your surroundings, especially when engaging in other tasks like getting gas, can reduce the chances of becoming a target,” she stated. Joyce explained that many attackers seek out women who appear distracted or vulnerable, making situational awareness crucial for avoiding confrontation.
Joyce’s advice for anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation is to aim for specific physical targets if attacked. She recommends focusing on major targets like the head, eyes, and groin, which can momentarily disable an assailant and create an opportunity to escape. Joyce notes that it’s essential to stay calm, assert control over one’s movements, and strike hard if necessary, all while making as much noise as possible to attract attention. In her experience, attackers tend to back off when they realize their intended victim is prepared to fight back, opting instead for easier targets.
Community Response and Precautions for Women
The series of attacks has left many women in Los Angeles feeling vulnerable, with community leaders and safety experts encouraging proactive measures. Women who frequently use public spaces such as gas stations and parking lots are advised to remain vigilant, minimize distractions like mobile phones, and be mindful of their surroundings. The incidents have also spurred discussions on the importance of learning basic self-defense techniques, especially for those who often find themselves alone in potentially vulnerable situations.
For the women affected by Latour’s attacks, the encounters have been a reminder of the unpredictable dangers present in everyday routines. Many have expressed gratitude for the quick actions of bystanders and the expert guidance provided by law enforcement and self-defense professionals. Their stories have resonated deeply within the community, reinforcing the need for a heightened sense of security and personal preparedness.
Ongoing Search for Maurice Latour
Despite extensive efforts by law enforcement, Maurice Latour remains at large. Police are urging the public to stay alert and report any sightings immediately. With his identity known, authorities hope that the combined vigilance of the community and law enforcement will lead to his apprehension before he strikes again. Until then, women across Los Angeles are taking extra precautions, and local safety organizations continue to spread awareness on how to stay safe and respond effectively in dangerous situations.
The incidents underscore the importance of situational awareness, community support, and personal preparedness in times of unexpected danger. As law enforcement pursues leads in locating Latour, the women he targeted continue to inspire others with their resilience and resourcefulness, reminding the community that they too can take steps to protect themselves in the face of potential threats.