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Former Radio Pro Roshon Vance Needs Your Help

The Industry Dot Biz: Former radio pro Roshon Vance is asking for your help, he’s a convicted felon recently released from prison and he has started a campaign asking for your donations. Text below… Whether or not you donate to Vance, please understand the importance taking a proactive approach to planning for your future financially.


Basically I don’t know where to begin. I’ll be honest and also admit that some of the things I’ll be mentioning are embarrassing. I had someone who told me about this website “Go Fund Me”!

They also stated that it could possibly help me. I don’t know where to turn and I sincerely hope someone will help me. Let me say that under no circumstances do I want to be a burden to society. If that proves to be the case (and I’m choosing my words carefully) then in the words of Rush Limbaugh….”I’ll asume room temperature”!!Unfortunately I went to prison for 3 years and while I was incarcerated I lost all of my worldly possessions.

All my clothes, furniture, family photos, my car and even my Hyacinth Macaw that I had for 11 years. I’m currently 60 years old and now I’m in the “October” of my life. Although I’m in good health I don’t have too many years left but I feel I’ve learned from my mistakes. I won’t go into the reason for me going to prison except to say I’ll take full responsibility for my actions and it was no sex crime, no drugs, no murder. In fact it was right above a misdeameanor and I had 2 State Troopers who wrote letters on my behalf when I went up before the parole board and also the Asst. Chief of Police of a major city on the east coast wrote a letter to the parole board as well.

God is good. Since I’ve been out it’s been a constant struggle and I can’t find work both due to my age & the fact that I’m a felon.The clothes I have are all donated from a church. Just when things were starting to look up I recently suffered a serious setback. The only place that would rent to me was in a bad section of town and out of the 60 units on the property 20 are condemned! In fact on Superbowl Sunday I arrived home from church and it rained quite a bit that day . The rain had leaked thru the roof in my bedroom and the apt management keeps saying they’ll fix it but they haven’t. About 2 weeks later I came home and was shocked to see the bedroom is sinking into my kitchen.

Now I’m told the complex will be shut down due to numerous code violations. I informed my parole officer and was basically told that if that occurs I have two choices. 1)a halfway house or 2) back to prison. I can honestly tell you that if either one of those things happen then I’ll “assume room temperature”!!!I am totally serious. They will not permit me to stay in a hotel. It has to be a house or an apartment. I’ve been looking and can’t seem to find anything.

To get to the point I guess the amount of money I’m seeking/asking for is $18,000 and I’ll use it to purchase a dependable used car to get around, buy some clothes and get a house/apt (There are some places that’ll rent to me if I pay 6 months in advance) and the rest of the money….(the majority) would be used to start up my own business.

Since my background is being a radio announcer/radio manager then I would like to start up an internet radio station. I hope someone out there will help me. All I want is another chance at life and I can do that with your assistance. God Bless!



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