The Industry Dot Biz: All this foolishness (TD Jakes always says that)… I’m getting tired of seeing urban radio people being worked to the bone. I need to have a serious talk with Cathy and Alfred. When is Radio One going to listen to me…? Get rid of 50% of your syndication, start community programming and make yourself more appealing to advertisers. Even in a tough economy advertisers go where they see the benefit. Local radio is the NEW radio. Can we eliminate all these old ass syndicated hosts and infuse some innovation, creativity and youth up in this radio industry house? Get rid of all your overpaid and dated advisors as well, fast forward to 2009 and hire me, Now, I’m not cheap …but you will get results and I will tell you what I REALLY think (laugh). Â OK, let me step down off the box…I don’t get this but then again, I don’t work for Radio One, let us pray. WWIN Kathy Brown has resigned as PD but she will continue to program WMMJ in DC. Neke House resigns WERQ and will program WKYS in DC and continue to do middays at WERQ. Al Payne resigns as PD at WKYS but will be OM for Radio One’s group stations in Baltimore.
Sounds like Radio-One is closing in the ranks, and keeping their best talent closer to home–that is, Baltimore/Washington.
When a general starts calling in his officers from the field, one has to wonder what’s going on in the war.
Something to ponder, and perhaps get confirmed:
They’ll be selling off assets, and are protecting the jobs of their high ranking, loyal programs–company guys and gals.
What say you?