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House Music's Colonel Abrams, Homeless and in Poor Health, Crowdfunding Campaign Established

The Industry Dot Biz:
colonel abrams died
WBLS’ Shaila and Colonel Abrams during a celebration to raise money for him in Jan of 2016

UPDATE: Colonel Abrams has Died (click here)

The Industry Dot Biz: Originally posted December 9, 2015 – Former MCA recording artist Colonel Abrams is reportedly in very poor health and homeless and in need of financial assistance. The eighties singer had several hits on the now defunct MCA label including “Trapped”, “How Soon We Forget” and “Not Gonna Let.” The organizers of a fundraiser, including Don Welch and Tony “Tune” Herbert, are calling on Abrams fans and industry contacts to donate whatever they can to help the former house music star who has fallen on very hard times and he is in need of medical attention.

Chicago House musician Marshall Jefferson recently launched a campaign to crowdfund his next album turned around and  asked those donating to help Colonel Abrams instead. He stated in a video: “As most of you may or may not know, a lot of recording artist don’t have medical coverage or benefits.”  He went on to say… “The Colonel is very ill with no permanent place of his own to live at this time and limited financial resources. Those of us who have listened to his awesome music and know of his plight, have banded together to try to help him through this rough patch.” Here is the crowdfunding page (update the page has been removed)


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  1. Mr colonel Abrams gave us great music ! prayers go out to family and friends. We as fans must keep the Abrams family uplifted in prayer and support.

  2. Hello All:
    I am in utter shock and disbelief that this gentleman, who gave us great dance hits has transcended; it’s even hard for me to tell my mother, Mrs. Jestine C. Smith, who simply adored him, loved his moves and thought he was sexy. It will be disturbing as she turned 90 years young on the day of his passing, November 24, 2016.

    Many of us would crowd the clubs, call, text, etc… each other to inform of when and where he was performing in Baltimore and DC. His last performance in Baltimore was riveting, we all went wild as he entertained/performed/sang for us…Colonel Abrams was in great voice and stage electric! The Colonel is greatly missed by his fans in Baltimore, MD. However, we must thank GOD, we still have his music and therefore the celebration of Colonel Abrams’ life and sound will continue because we are “Not Gonna Let” it go!

  3. How could this happen to such a house music Icon? How could we, as Horseheads, allow one of our own to suffer to this degree… homelessness. I am beyond words.

  4. I just found out about all of this last night and I can’t stop crying. I have loved this man’s must since the first time I heard him. I listen to ‘ How soon we forget nearly every day and had no idea
    he was suffering this way, may he rest in peace!

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