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Chris “Ludacris” Bridges launches, an interactive website for kids

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Actor, Philanthropist and Music Star Chris “Ludacris” Bridges launches, an interactive website for kids offering the newest and coolest educational songs, games and stories found on the web.

Successful actor, musician and philanthropist Chris “Ludacris” Bridges announced today the launch of his newest and most personal project,, a hip new educational website for children. Inspired by and dedicated to his 10 year old daughter Karma Bridges, the site is a cool interactive world for kids featuring well-produced original pop songs with clever educational lyrics, as well as fun games and stories that kids will love. teaches children from grades 1 to 3 and 4 to 6 academic lessons about math, science and geography, as well as ethical and social responsibilities like manners, honesty and kindness, through original songs, games and stories. The site also includes lesson plans for teachers and parents which will be refreshed regularly.

“We wanted the site to be educational, fun and full of music that all kids will enjoy, but we also wanted it to teach kids more than just academics. The site touches on subjects like, the rewards of hard work and importance of learning manners as well as the idea that doing good deeds for others will bring good into your life ““ which is the meaning of the word Karma,” said Bridges, co-creator of “The music and lyrics, games and stories on the site are all original and were created by me, my daughter and my creative team.” was designed for children to play on their own, wherever a computer is available, or work with parents or teachers on lesson plans and quizzes. Kids can log in at home instead of watching TV, play in a car while on a road trip or anywhere there is wi-fi. On the site they can sing along with Karma’s World’s educational songs, play word games, science, geography and math games or read stories about faraway lands. They can also download anything they like from the site and sing or play off line. includes songs about fractions, manners, seasons and weather, gravity and space, and planets and the solar system. The games on the site range from easy to challenging, and include “Karma’s Crosswords,” “Mega Match,” “Smartacus Asks,” “Who Knows” and the geography game “Scrambled Continents,” to name a few.

Log onto and look for giveaways and other exciting developments coming soon. Also check out’s suggestions for fun activities, new books and films that your child may also enjoy.


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