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CEO Byron Allen Files Whopping 10 Billion Lawsuit against the FCC and Charter Communications

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(Photo by Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for Culture Creators)

This story was originally poted on Jan 28, 2016, Byron is in court this week.

After questioning Al Sharpton‘s legacy as a black leader along with his non-profit Civil Rights organization the “National Action Network,” (founded by Sharpton in 1991), Byron Allen included Sharpton’s name in a lawsuit as well as the NAACP and other “black” organizations for allegedly signing “sham” diversity agreements then taking donations from major corporations like Comcast knowing the corporations were using these black “leaders” and organizations to keep quiet and to allegedly help them cover discriminatory practices. CEO Byron Allen is proving to be quite a nightmare to the major corporations who allegedly could not buy all black folks off to keep quiet. Allen also included in his suit last year Time Warner, Comcast and AT&T. (AT&T has since settled with Allen).

The recent Oscar awards’ lack of inclusion for African Americans is and has always been just the tip of the iceberg and while other black celebrities are complaining and still begging for inclusion, CEO Byron Allen is actually stepping up to the plate and doing something about it.

The media mogul has just filed a suit against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Charter Communications for racial discrimination against African American Media. Allen who has often been a silent yet respected brilliant businessman over the last few decades, has always gone against the grain of traditional media corporations upon realizing he was not going to be afforded the same opportunities.

“Everyone talks about diversity, but diversity in Hollywood and the media starts with ownership,” Allen states. He goes on to say that: “President Obama and the Democratic Party have completely excluded the African-American community when it comes to economic inclusion,” Allen said in a statement to TheWrap Wednesday. The $20 billion lawsuit was filed at the Central District Court of California yesterday (Wednesday), citing Charter Communications is in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, 42 U.S.C. section 1981. The corporation, according to Allen spent 4 Billion annually without a single dollar going towards black owned media companies. The court documents filed by Allen also state that Charter Communications President and CEO Tom Rutledge is a “blatant racist.”

The suit has pristine timing before the FCC gives final approval for the acquisition of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks making Charter Communications even more dominant in the industry. Allen states that the FCC should never consider Charter Communications’ acquisition of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks because of their alleged discriminatory history. We’ll keep you posted on this story. See documents here


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    • I was thinking the exact same thing. Whenever you look at his pictures they scream, ‘I don’t CARE if anybody is with me.’ Gotta love it.

  1. COMCAST pulled off the same stunt with help from many on this list and Radio One when they needed the regulators to look the other way… First time you fool me it is on you second time it is on me…

  2. Very good! Although I appreciate the work of Mr. Sharpton and others named in the suit, I am glad the cover of discriminatory practices in TV/broadcast media could be pulled off with this filing! It may sting in the short run, but in the long run, it could be good for African American and other media companies, etc.

  3. I was with him until he blamed Pres. Obama and the democrats!! No party have moved the African American financial crisis forward but certainly NOT the republicans. This makes me question his motives. I have to check him out a little deeper.

  4. He is a true embarrassment. He started this a while ago and because his feeling were hurt. NOBODY wants to deal with him. His latest lose, the rights to Britt of a Nation, should prove that. Please have several seats Mr. Uncle Tom Allen

  5. Don’t be blinded by the messenger, look at the message instead. Forget about his motives. We all know that accusations are factual. Let’s hope this leads to widespan access to all forms of equal entertainment for minorities.

  6. It is a joy and inspiration to see someone stand for righteousness. So many have sold out for their own piece of the pie. It seems we were better off when we all had no material blessings and were are struggling together. It’s a sad picture indeed! I salute Byron and gain motivation from his courage to stay the course in my own little world. May more of us stand up in our everyday struggles against racism and discrimination. The cotton field looks different, but from where I stand someone decides how much I earn, which determines where I live, where I shop for food, where I vacation, etc. We are still not in control of our destinies, no matter how hard we work – we are deceived. But by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit, some are willing to say NO to the status quo, regardless of the consequences! Who knows just maybe when you stand for what’s right you will be rewarded – whether here or eternity. I look forward to hearing the verdict and if in his favor how will Byron invest the money???

  7. Lets not call Mr. Allen out of his name. Also I think “D.C. Price”, you should realize that the term “uncle Tom” has been used by our community incorrectly. Do your research and you will find that it is being used incorrectly.
    As for Mr. Allen, i think he is giving us a “dog whistle”!! What he is saying is if you want your “reparations”, have your facts in order and “SUE”. That is what he did to AT&T and they paid a large sum to not have his case go to court. You can best believe all of the others will do the same.
    BRAVO Mr. Allen! Salute him, don’t disparage him! By winning he is opening up doors to black ownership in media. Are you telling me you don’t want that? Of course you do. Lets support him and celebrate his achievements. Additionally, there are really only two media moguls that have any real ownership in TV. Obviously Mr. Allen that curerntly has over 40 programs on tv/cable, 7 cable networks, Syndicated specials, and other tv ventures. Armstrong Williams is huge! He has extensive radio and tv ownership! Some may say Oprah; however, my understanding is that she leases the own network from the discovery channel which is a joint venture!! She doesn’t own the channel from what i can see.

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