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Celebrations of Success Broadcast Station Donations and Mentorships Provide Opportunity

The Industry Dot Biz:  src= width=Washington, D.C. (September 14, 2010): The Minority Media and Telecommunications Council (MMTC) continues to celebrate the recent donations of radio stations by Clear Channel and LPTV stations by Trinity Broadcasting Network – a total of 159 stations. With these donations, the MMTC Ownership Diversity Initiative is helping to incubate new broadcast owners. And in this short period of time, we already have success stories!

These success stories are the real “meat and potatoes” of what makes these donations so exciting. Here’s why:
? The Ownership Diversity Initiative is affording ownership and training opportunities to minorities and women ““ helping them make the daunting transition from management to entrepreneurship to ownership.
? Through this initiative, new broadcast station owners and owners-in-training participate in an incubation program where each is mentored and trained for success as a hand s-on business operator.
? Last week, MMTC closed on its acquisition of WNRR (AM), North Augusta, SC donated from Clear Channel Radio ““ adding a second property to MMTC’s WLCC (AM), Brand on (Tampa), FL. The Augusta property is being operated by a first-time “MMTC” woman partner, and the Tampa property is being operated by a first-time “MMTC” Hispanic owner. The assignment of W16CJ-LP, Channel 16, Naples, FL to a first time Hispanic owner will close shortly.
? Applications to assign 152 low-powered television stations (LPTV) stations donated from Trinity Broadcasting to MMTC were filed with the FCC today.
? Media owners wishing to talk to MMTC about donating their media assets and receiving a tax deduction may do so by contacting David Honig, MMTC President and Executive Director ([email protected]), or Diane Warren, MMTC’s Broadcast Consultant and Media Broker ([email protected]).
“We are having incredible success with our broadcast station donations, but it goes even further than that,” David Honig, President and Executive Director of MMTC, stated during a recent interview. “Through the donations, we have the opportunity to mentor these new owners and continue to help them to lead the next generation of minorities and women in broadcasting.”

There are opportunities for minorities and women to own media, rep firms and be trained by mentors who know the business and want to help you be successful. Now is the time to make a dream come true for successful media ownership.


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