The Industry Dot Biz: Statement by the President
We would love to see radio stations open up new opportunities for young men who want to get into radio.
“I thank Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson and the U.S. Conference of Mayors for their action today to establish a Mayors Task Force dedicated to the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative. “My Brother’s Keeper” is an all-hands-on-deck effort to make sure every young person – especially boys and young men of color – can reach their potential. Through this task force, mayors will work to expand universal early childhood programs, promote public-private partnerships that help create more summer jobs, increase and build on existing mentorship programs, and eliminate suspensions and expulsions in preschool and other early learning settings. I commend these mayors, representing cities across the nation, for making these issues a priority in their communities, and I look forward to working with them to expand opportunity and improve the odds for every child in America.”