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TOO MUCH FOR TUESDAY: Black Folks and Chicken, What Gives? New Popeye’s Spokeswoman: Repulsive (vid)

The Industry Dot Biz:

UPDATE: The corporation has toned down the character and she’s much better… 2/2012

I have seen the Popeye’s Spokeswoman “The Chicken Queen” (Yes, I said the “Chicken Queen”) on several occasions. I personally don’t eat that overly salted sh…, even though the red beans and rice is pretty good, but this woman is repulsive.. This vid is one of the first commercials and while somewhat palatable her current spots have jumped off the ship and gone overboard.. she’s talking like a uneducated, hee haw, thigh slappin’ Harmonica playin’ country Mammy who is willing to breastfeed all the neighborhood childrenz who like titty milk. Dammit, I said, that sh… needs to be pulled IMMEDIATELY. Got my damn pressure up… I’m surprised Popeye’s didn’t go the extra mile and get a 300 pound Black woman with 2 teeth (one on the bottom in the front and one in the back), a doo rag and a picnic table dress and apron with flour and yeast residue from her daily biscuit baking.

The woman is overacting and it’s evident. Several years ago, when I was auditioning in LA I ran into the black guy that used to be the spokesperson for KFC. Nice guy, but he told me he lost the gig because, of all places, people in the south complained about a black man promoting fried chicken and he was nowhere near as hick-ish as the sister doing the Popeye’s commercials now. Just when I thought I had seen enough of this sh…, here comes former BET host Joe Clair going TOTALLY Chicken George in a new KFC commercial for that nasty ass grilled chicken (yes I tried it, it tasted like a chalkboard eraser, but I do love the original recipe when the employees follow the instructions and make it right, which is rare). I’ve met Joe a few times and he’s good people but at the end of the commercial, Joe reluctantly dances with Chicken in hand . Let us pray… Lord, don’t move no mountains… I can tell the racist producers asked him to do that, something that would have gotten them an ass kicking if they had asked me. I don’t give a FOOK about not working in Hollywood again. I said “No.. Joe, don’t dance for the fookin’ chicken” Joe had succumbed to the residual check, racist commercial producers and KFC.. it was too late. I know how racist Hollywood is and how hard it is for Black actors to find work but it would seem Popeye’s and KFC would have a white person pushing the chicken since black people eat that sh… more than anybody else already. Better yet, HIRE A BLACK PRODUCER so that the commercials can be tastefully done and not so fooking insulting you dickheads!!! Then the frosting on the cake… black folks all over the news pissed because Popeye’s didn’t honor the $4.99 special for Thursday. Where’s did I put my Bible?.. Jesus and the Disciples, these people drove from other counties (had to cost them more then $4.99 in gas just to get the special. The news people are having a field day with this. You can look in one of those papers you get in your mailbox, go to the local supermarket chain, catch a WHOLE chicken on sale (even in this economy) for $3.00 and fry that that sh… up yourself.


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