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BET Networks Goes Pink in Honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

BET Networks GoesCancer Survivor Renee Syler along with Kelly Price and Gabrielle Union to appear on THE MO’NIQUE SHOW on Friday, October 22 at 11:00 p.m.*Gabrielle Union Hosts BET News Special, HEART OF THE CITY: CHICAGO’S CANCER DIVIDE, on Sunday, October 24 at 10:00 p.m.*BET Networks announced today its first ever Network wide campaign, “BET Goes Pink,” in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in partnership with the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® Circle of Promise and the Sisters Network ® Inc. The integrated approach includes the BET News special, HEART OF THE CITY: CHICAGO’S CANCER DIVIDE, which will air on Sunday, October 24 at 10:00 p.m.*; a micro site on; special appearances by Gabrielle Union, Renee Syler and Kelly Price on THE MO’NIQUE SHOW on Friday, October 22 at 11:00 p.m.* and a special event for African American breast cancer survivors at Like the River Salon in Atlanta, GA.Former journalist Rene Syler, who underwent a preemptive double mastectomy last year because of her high genetic risk of breast cancer, will join Gabrielle and Kelly Price on THE MO’NIQUE SHOW on Friday, October 22 at 11:00 p.m.*In a half-hour special report, BET News pulls back the curtain on the whole truth about breast cancer and black women ““ that their deaths are preventable, and that it is social and economic inequity that has betrayed them ““ not their own bodies. To tell the story, BET takes viewers to the city of Chicago, where the 38% national breast cancer mortality rate for Black women has exploded to an astronomical 116%.   HEART OF THE CITY: CHICAGO’S CANCER DIVIDE will air on Sunday, October 24 at 10:00 p.m.*In addition to the on-air programming, BET Networks launched a micro-site dedicated to breast cancer awareness on and will run PSAs to raise awareness about the disease. The Network is also partnering with the American Cancer Society and Like the River Salon to donate a special day of beauty to African American breast cancer survivors on October 24 in Atlanta, GA.For more information on “BET Goes Pink” and resources on breast cancer, please log onto


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