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SEPTEMBER 24-28, 2010
September 13, 2010 Washington, DC – Today, Civil Rights Icon Ambassador Andrew Young and the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation formally announced
“The Africa Policy Forum: a Vision for the 21st Century.”
The Africa Policy Forum will take place
in Atlanta, Georgia from September 24-28, 2010 at the downtown Hyatt
Regency Hotel. Ambassador Young currently serves as Chairman of the Board of
the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation.
The Leon H. Sullivan Summits represent the largest African Diaspora gatherings in the world. Nevertheless, many members of the Diaspora who live in the Western Hemisphere have not yet participated in a Summit in Africa. At this critical juncture in world history, the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation believes that Africans and those in the Diaspora should have an opportunity to meet and interact on the other side of the bridge built by Reverend Sullivan – here in the United States. The Atlanta gathering next September will represent that opportunity.
Commenting on the upcoming gathering in his hometown of Atlanta, Ambassador Young stated: “I am both pleased and excited that Atlanta will host the Africa Policy Forum. I remain convinced that Africa may hold the answer to many challenges of the 21st Century. This September, the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation will bring together the largest gathering of African Presidents and Heads of State in recent memory in order to have a dialogue with the American President and CEOs looking to do business in Africa.”
September 24-28th will represent the first time that the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation has hosted a meeting of this scale in the United States. Conference highlights will include:
· an African Ancestry Reveal announcement
· exciting entertainment
· a women’s luncheon
· critical education, health and economic opportunities
· forums featuring several African Presidents and Heads of State and Obama
Administration members
· celebrities and live cultural events
· sports related events
· a film festival featuring top films from Africa
· a formal announcement on dates and location on the African continent for the 2011
Leon H. Sullivan Summit
Stated Hope Masters, President and CEO of the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation: “While in Atlanta, we will celebrate the African Diaspora through art, culture, investment and innovation while exploring ways to build wealth and capital. I encourage everyone with an interest in Africa to join us in Atlanta from September 24-28th. You will not regret it!”
For more information on the Africa Policy Forum including registration, please contact the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation at either [email protected] or (202) 736-2239.
Inspired by the life and principles of the late Rev. Dr. Leon H. Sullivan, the Foundation bearing his name exists to promote the political, entrepreneurial and intellectual leadership of the African Diaspora and friends of Africa, and to advocate on behalf of Africa and the world’s vulnerable people. The Foundation’s mission also includes promoting corporate social responsibility and economic development on the African Continent.
Featured Event
“Africa In Me”
Sunday September 26, 2010 7-10pm Ticketed event
Keynote Speaker: Actor, Isaiah Washington
Welcome Dinner – Join African as we
Reveal what you are made of with a Program
and Dinner Ceremony to reveal the results of DNA tests on selected participants: Martin Luther King III, Isaiah Washington and
recording artist, Ne-Yo.
Performing artist : KEM
About The Leon Sullivan Foundation founded by late Rev. Leon Sullivan – the first African American appointed to the Board of Directors of a Fortune 500 company and the founder of OIC. Rev. Sullivan used his position with General Motors to launch an international campaign to reform apartheid in South Africa by developing the Sullivan Principles, a code of conduct for human rights and equality; making the Sullivan Foundation the leader in creating labor diversity practices for those doing business on the African continent.
For Further Information Contact: Austin Cooper at [email protected]