The Industry Dot Biz: The Industry Dot Biz: Objective is to market an artist as “intellectual property,””establishing the entire artist ““ his/her/their name and appearance, art, cultural place and role, music compositions, and other aspects ““ as something that speaks to consumers, as a valued, trusted meaningful brand.Al Bell Presents, LLC (ABP) announces the formation of an “Artist Career Development and Entertainment Creation Company””engaged in the business of creating and developing careers for one-of-a-kind and authentic “Rare Performing Artists.””In this capacity, ABP performs or arranges all of the functions that managers, promoters, marketing firms, booking agents, record companies, talent agents and others have done historically, with the focused objective of developing an artist’s career across an entire spectrum of the artist’s potential.This paradigm embodies a major industry advance over the traditional “one-album, one-tour-at-a-time””mode of doing business, and is done with the express purpose and benefit to create iconic careers for rare artists that “stand the test of time,””and to establish a business with each artist that, when success is realized, becomes an annuity, generating money for the rest of their lives.”The traditional ways of doing business in the music industry are no longer appropriate for the development of rare (one-of-a-kind, authentic) artists’ careers considering the changes and evolution that has taken place in the music and entertainment worlds,””says Al Bell, Chairman/CEO of Al Bell Presents. “Al Bell Presents’ New Career Development Paradigm for Rare Performing Artist places, in a profitable manner, its sole emphasis on the artist’s career development, growth, financial stability and security first. We are not offering the new 360-degree type record label deals some traditional labels are offering.”Noting that the continuous growth of the Internet has given rise to an “ever-evolving””music industry, Mr. Bell explains that recorded music companies have created models to adapt to these changes and, in many instances, they are beginning to turn the financial corner and generate profits for the first time in years. Within this business landscape, his emphasis is on developing artists for career growth, and working with all of the recorded music companies.”Traditional music industry and entertainment models look to create an album or a tour or a show, but our model develops the artist’s entire career,””Mr. Bell observes. “The artist’s career is the business, and we develop it so it reaches its full potential and flourishes continuously in recorded music, live performances, film, television, books, merchandise, product endorsements, and every other aspect of the related music and entertainment industries. In short, Al Bell Presents does not retain an artist to make a record or arrange a string of concert dates; rather, we build an exclusive new business for the artist with the artist.”The higher objective in all of ABP’s work is marketing the artist as an “intellectual property,””meaning establishing the entire artist ““ his/her/their name and appearance, art, cultural place and role, music compositions, and other aspects ““ as something that speaks to consumers, as a valued, trusted meaningful entertainment brand. The artist ““ as a developed, meaningful intellectual property ““ then can find profitable business endorsing and branding clothes, perfume, publications, live events, television and film, news and public service messages and every other product and service that could be enhanced through association with the artist, their art, or their creative spirit.”Each artist is treated with strategic care,””Mr. Bell says. “We have the vision for, and will only deal with, artists who have the potential for career development that results in timeless importance and respectable seriousness.”Ultimately, ABP’s goal is to discover, service, cultivate, and grow the “authentic””God-given talent of its selected artists and provide the support needed to create and develop a successful long term career for “Rare Performing Artists.”””Throughout this process we will teach our artists to professionally present themselves as “˜world class’ performers, interact with their audiences in a believable “˜heart-felt’ manner filled with their natural emotions, and provide an unforgettable entertainment experience,””Mr. Bell states. “With training, each ABP artist will learn to interact with and entertain their audiences with passion, emotion and a standard of excellence that will ultimately classify them as entertainment icons.”Mr. Bell also stated that ABP was presently engaged in negotiations regarding other major music entertainment businesses and events and would be announcing same shortly.