Beasley Media Group announces the _Ace & TJ_ Syndicated Show will officially move from WNKS to WKQC beginning on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

The _Ace & TJ Show_ is currently aired Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. – 12Noon on WNKS-FM. Beginning on Tuesday, May 28th, Ace & TJ will officially move to afternoons from 3 P.M. 7 P.M. on WKQC.
- 6 A.M.- 9 A.M: Maney & LauRen Show
- 9 A.M.-12N: Ace & TJ
- 12NOON – 3P.M: Cameron Moore
- WNKS NEW LINEUP (As of 5/28)
- 6 A.M. – 10 A.M: Maney & LauRen Show
- 10 A.M. – 3 P.M: Cameron Moore
“Buckle up Charlotte, the Iconic Ace & TJ show is back with the all the belly laughs and the same wit and wisdom that made them legends.” said Beasley Vice President of Music & entertainment and Director of Charlotte Operations, John Reynolds.
“Given the show’s style, it’s the perfect fit for WKQC!” “Every single pleasure sensor in my enormous brain has been stimulated since I received word of our move to K 104.7,” said TJ. “Now, we begin similar stimulation to the brains of the audience!”
Ace added, “We are very excited to be part of K104 .7 because the combination of their audience and their music with our history in Charlotte is a perfect fit.”