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Matthew Cox: The Rise and Fall of a Mortgage Fraud Kingpin (Video)

Matthew Cox’s story begins in Tampa, Florida, where he was born to a mother who, despite being told she couldn’t have children, unexpectedly found out she was pregnant at the age of 40. This unusual start to his life set the tone for a childhood marked by challenges. From an early age, Matthew struggled with a learning disability that affected his ability to keep up with his peers in school. He attended a special education school and graduated, but at the time, his reading level was still at a third or fourth-grade level.

Matthew Cox

His family life was far from ideal. His father, an alcoholic, was emotionally distant and often disappointed in Matthew, further contributing to the feelings of inadequacy and frustration that Matthew experienced growing up. While he had siblings, including two sisters and one brother, his father’s emotional neglect left a lasting mark on his sense of self-worth. Despite these struggles, Matthew managed to push forward and eventually graduated from high school before attending college, where he earned a fine arts degree. However, the academic hurdles he faced would follow him throughout his life.

From Struggling to Thriving: The Beginnings of a Career in Sales

After graduating from college, Matthew initially pursued various jobs, including working as an insurance adjuster and in construction. However, it was a relationship with a woman working for a subprime lender that would set him on a path to success in the world of mortgage brokering. Encouraged by her to pursue this line of work, Matthew obtained his mortgage license and began working as a mortgage broker.

Matthew quickly realized he had a natural talent for sales, especially in the booming subprime mortgage industry, which was rife with fraudulent activity. At the time, the industry was known for its loose lending practices, and Matthew was quick to take advantage of the system. His first experience with fraud came when he was instructed to alter a document showing a borrower’s late payment by simply “whiting it out.” This small act of fraud set the stage for his deeper involvement in more serious schemes.

Rising Through the Ranks: Creating a Fraudulent Empire

Matthew’s ability to manipulate the system led to rapid success in the mortgage industry. In 1998, he started his own mortgage company and soon began employing a team of brokers to help him close deals. The company thrived, and Matthew’s creative approach to fraud became more elaborate. He started using fake identities, fake companies, and even fabricated financial documents to secure loans for people who didn’t exist. Matthew’s fraudulent schemes extended beyond simple document alterations; he created entire false financial profiles for synthetic borrowers, complete with fake tax ID numbers and credit histories.

His most audacious scheme involved buying properties at a fraction of their actual worth, inflating their market value, and then using these inflated values to secure loans. This process involved creating fake appraisals, falsifying property values, and finding ways to manipulate the banking system. With each successful fraud, Matthew grew more confident in his ability to manipulate the system and make money from his illegal activities.

By 2003, Matthew was responsible for millions of dollars in fraudulent loans. His actions significantly affected the real estate market in Tampa, with reports indicating that the median property price in his area surged from $50,000 to $250,000 in just 18 months. His manipulation of the housing market was extensive, with one report citing $11.5 million in fraud linked to his activities.

The Fall: Betrayal and Arrest

Despite his growing empire of fraud, Matthew’s illegal activities could not remain hidden forever. He was eventually betrayed by a former associate who wore a wire for the authorities, leading to his indictment for wire fraud. Although Matthew pled guilty, he was given a relatively light sentence—three years of probation—due to the lack of a direct financial loss from his actions. However, instead of reforming his ways, Matthew doubled down on his criminal behavior.

During his probation, Matthew expanded his fraudulent activities into more elaborate schemes involving synthetic identities and stolen identities. He used these identities to secure millions of dollars in loans, purchasing multiple properties that didn’t exist. His schemes became even more sophisticated, with Matthew creating fake satisfaction-of-mortgage documents and taking out large loans on properties that were not worth the amount he was claiming.

Eventually, after a long period of evading law enforcement, Matthew was captured by the Secret Service. He had been on the run for months, using various aliases and undergoing multiple cosmetic surgeries to alter his appearance in order to avoid detection. His capture was the result of his girlfriend’s decision to turn him in after learning about his activities. After his arrest, Matthew faced numerous charges and was sentenced to 26 years in prison for his crimes.

Prison: Reflection and Redemption

Matthew’s time in prison was a turning point in his life. While incarcerated, he began to reflect on his past actions and the person he had become. He realized that his entire life had been driven by arrogance and a desire to prove himself, not just to others, but also to the father who had never been proud of him. Writing became an important outlet for Matthew during his time in prison, and he began writing the stories of other inmates who had committed crimes similar to his own. This allowed him to reflect on the choices that led him to his current situation and, in turn, helped him confront his own narcissistic tendencies.

Prison gave Matthew the opportunity to reassess his life, and over time, he began to accept the reality of his situation. He acknowledged that the pursuit of money and status had ultimately led to a life of misery and anxiety, despite the wealth he had accumulated through fraud. Writing, painting, and telling the stories of other prisoners became his new passion, and he found a sense of purpose that he had never experienced before.

The Road to Redemption: A New Beginning

Matthew’s release from prison marked the start of a new chapter in his life. No longer the ambitious con man who sought to manipulate the system for personal gain, he embraced a new identity as a writer and artist. He began publishing books about his experiences and the stories of other prisoners, turning his past mistakes into a source of inspiration for others.

Through self-reflection and hard work, Matthew transformed his life. He acknowledged the pain and destruction his actions had caused and used his experiences to help others avoid making the same mistakes. As he continued to write and paint, Matthew found a new sense of peace that had eluded him during his years of fraud. He realized that true happiness came from living an honest life, not from the pursuit of wealth or status.

Matthew’s story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of arrogance, greed, and the pursuit of success at any cost. It also offers hope for those willing to confront their past, learn from their mistakes, and choose a path of redemption.


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