The Industry Dot Biz:
2nd Annual Purple Light Night” Radio One Cleveland Stands against Domestic Violence!
Cleveland, Oh– Once again Radio One Cleveland partnered with the Domestic Violence Center and walked the Veterans Memorial Bridge, Friday October 21st beginning at W. 25th Street /Detroit to W. 9th Street and Superior. This year the theme was “You’ve Come More than Half Way”, encouraging participants to walk further than the half way point from the previous year. Tears of relief poured out as everyone released Purple Balloons upon reaching W 9thStreet.Purple Light Night is to offer support to families, friends and individuals affected by Domestic Violence. During the event, each attendee is given a “Purple Glow Light” from the Domestic Violence Center in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention.
What: Radio One Cleveland “Purple Light Night” in partnership with the Domestic Violence Center.